grasshopper7 / extentreports-cucumber7-adapter

Cucumber-JVM 7 Adapter for Extent Framework
MIT License
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Does this report support parallel execution on selenium grid for cucumber framework where scenario outline is having multiple example data sets? #39

Open vamshikrishnapallerla opened 7 months ago

vamshikrishnapallerla commented 7 months ago

We are using cucumber framework for my project and running my test cases on selenium grid, but when I look at the report i.e pdf and spart extent reports, test scenarios from one feature file is getting mapped to another feature files when there are multiple example data sets for test cases.

Feature 1: @Login Feature: Bing feature file

@TC_01 @test Scenario Outline: Test on Bing Given User navigate to When Enter search keyword on Bing

  | dataIteration |
  | data01         | 

Feature 2: @Login Feature: Google Feature file

@TC_02 @test Scenario Outline: Test on Google Given User navigate to When Enter search keyword on Google

  | dataIteration |
  | data01        |
  | data02         |
  | data03         |
  | data04        |
  | data05         |
  | data06         |
  | data07        |

I am running these test cases in parallel with below setting on selenium grid having 2 nodes available. @Override @DataProvider (parallel = true) public Object[][] scenarios(){ return super.scenarios(); }

Below is image of our selenium grid: image

Below is the pdf report generated TestExecutionReport.pdf

Below is the screenshot if spart extent report issue Not able to attach html report here. image Ideally it should be present under google feature file

in the summary or failed scenarios section of pdf you can see under bing feature file one of google test is mapped.

is it a known issue? this is a critical issue we had, can you help us on this.

dependencies used in the project are:

com.aventstack extentreports 5.0.9 tech.grasshopper extentreports-cucumber7-adapter 1.14.0
vamshikrishnapallerla commented 7 months ago

@grasshopper7 @arun-k @grass-hopper-moc can you check and update on this issue?

grasshopper7 commented 6 months ago

Do you have the same behavior when you execute this in your local environment, without grid setup?

vamshikrishnapallerla commented 6 months ago

@grasshopper7 When running in local environment(sequential execution) reports are generated as expected(accurate).

When running on grid, if none of my test cases has example sets then also I am getting the correct reports.

Issue is with running scripts on grid with 2+ nodes and having test cases with multiple example sets. cc: @arun-k @grass-hopper-moc

grasshopper7 commented 6 months ago

Can you try this in parallel mode in local environment?

vamshikrishnapallerla commented 6 months ago

I will try this and post the updates here either today or tomorrow.

vamshikrishnapallerla commented 6 months ago

Hi @grasshopper7 I have tested the above and below are the findings.

When I am using dependency version 1.14.0 we are having the issue in the local environment also.

When I downgraded the version from 1.14.0 to 1.9.2 the reports are coming as expected, is there any major change in relation to parallel execution between these two versions?