grassrootseconomics / eth-custodial

(WIP) EOA key management and EVM signing API service
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Dispatcher error handler and retrier features #13

Open kamikazechaser opened 1 week ago

kamikazechaser commented 1 week ago

All the below depend on the correct RPC response. An error handler should be written to correctly propagate the error type from the RPC node. This is a bit difficult for sidechains e.g. Celo which implement custom response error messages.

Gas bump

Resign a transaction and bump the gas price by 15%. On the otx table, the old transaction should be invalidated and a new one created in a single tx. Gas limit issues can also be included here but ideally, we set a generous gas limit that on the gas oracle itself.

Low nonce issues

Ideally this kind of error should be near-impossible to get if the signer implementation is correct as we maintain the nonce sequence offline. However, in the rare event that it does occur, a special noop tx which attempt a random low gas sign should be attempted to close the gap.

Out of balance

Ideally, we never face this issue. A lock should be applied on the account to prevent further tx sign requests. There should always be a pre-check on the dispatcher before it is attempted.