gratipay / finances

Gratipay's financial accounting system
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Deploy a public bean-web instance or two #46

Open chadwhitacre opened 7 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 7 years ago

What we want is the master branch and the current month PR, though at this stage we have so many PRs open it's a mess. One possibility would be to compile this to static pages (beancount might even give us facilities for that), in which case Netlify could be an option (cf., or some other simple SFTP or Nginx hosting situation (same droplet as

chadwhitacre commented 7 years ago

I guess we could look into Fava again to see if that is enough of an improvement and not enough of a liability (I'm thinking security since it is dynamic and not just static) to make sense.

We could also look at writing a custom stylesheet over bean-web.