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convert tip-ranges to text input #1070

Closed chadwhitacre closed 10 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Going with this (per discussion in comments):


That's a text input box with a [ Confirm ] button and Cancel link on the right, and text link tip suggestions underneath:

Ex: $100, $25, $10, $2, 25¢

was: convert tip-ranges to a simple slider

The current tip ranges widget has a couple drawbacks:

I propose that we solve these by dropping back to a simple slider:

photo on 2013-06-19 at 16 11

Between 0 and 10 we should snap (in even-width increments) to 25¢, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (that's 10 values between 0 and 10).

Between 10 and 100 we should snap (in even-width increments) to 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, and 95 (that's 17 values between 10 and 100).

Let's try it with only 0, 10, and 100 actually labelled.

Note that we still should add pop-up confirmation to tips >= $10 (#1065), and a success confirmation (#1062).

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Or we could do like Humble Bundle (#434):

screen shot 2013-06-19 at 4 48 37 pm

The amount on the right is an editable input. Garbage text results in $0.00.

cakey commented 11 years ago

+1, but I'd like a low amount such as 1 also labelled. (You can have both snappable slider, and a linked snappable input field)

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Maybe something even bigger and more obvious? E.g.:

screen shot 2013-06-20 at 10 02 34 am

rummik commented 11 years ago

I like the big obvious range for profiles, but it wouldn't work for things like -- but the Humble Bundle range would work well there. Also, we'd probably have to have a smaller, but still very obvious, range for profiles on mobile

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@rummik Let's go with the humble bundle slider in all places for now.

ceboudreaux commented 11 years ago

I think the simple slider (with one bubble containing the tip amount) is far more intuitive than the current one (with three bubbles). screenshot023

I support the idea of having a text input box on the side of the slider as well. Perhaps add little up and down arrows that change the amount in the text box by $.25 increments to encourage the user to interact with the text box.

0-10-100 range on the slider is numerically pretty, but not practical, as most tips will fall on the lower range of the spectrum. @whit537 I also like the More button on the yellow slider example you posted. That would be a good alternative to the text box mentioned above. The slider could display the more common, smaller values (maybe 0-10 or 0-5) and then the More button would allow users to select larger amounts.

Also in the yellow example above, I like the little question marks. I think tooltips or something similar would be good to inform the user about the constraints of tipping (minimum, maximum, increment).

balupton commented 11 years ago

+1 for dumping the slider and making it a dropdown and textbox. From my own experience when such an input is required, developers tend to just fallback to that due to the simplicity, so perhaps users could be more accustomed to that.

Gumroad implements the desired outcome of this feature more or less in their pay what you want feature, with that link pertaining to some interesting stats. Maybe there is something there we can use.

ceboudreaux commented 11 years ago

I hear what you're saying, but I'd say that one click is ideal (ex. click the $.25 bubble on the current slider), click and drag is second best (simple slider) and textbox (Gumroad) is slowest.


balupton commented 11 years ago

Perhaps, taking it from a different tact on how to approach this, is do we even need the slider? what is it for? what is the purpose of the slider? Gumroad doesn't use it, do we need to?. Once they're answered, then perhaps we'll know if the slider is the right direction, or maybe it's a waste and we're improving a broken feature?

Sliders tend to make sense when we want to impose a linear passage of something, from a decrease to increase. E.g. the volume knob. However, Kickstarter implements this successfully on their project rewards without using a slider, so maybe we don't need to.

Another usage we use, is special prices that are displayed - we show $0, 25c, and $10 by default. Why is 25c special? why is $10 special? why do we care? The reasoning behind these selections and why they are meaningful is not conveyed within the current experience - my only guess is that 4x25c = $1/month - but does that justify the value assigned to $1? It's kind of picking a plan for a SaaS service without knowing the differences between any of the plans! What are the differences, why do they matter, what are the meanings behind those numbers?

Running with this notion of conveying the meaning behind the default number groups, maybe have pictures of what they would entail instead. On the slider at $0 have a starving bum with no money, at $1 have a fed bum with an instant noodle packet, at $5 have a bum with a coffee, at $15 have a bum eating a meal, at $50 have a bum enjoying a restaurant meal, at $100 having someone sleeping on a couch, at $500 have someone feeding their family, at $1000 have someone really happy.

Then the money groups have huge meaning, and then the slider is now a medium for conveying a story, of which, the patron picks whichever story they wish to be a part of.

ceboudreaux commented 11 years ago

Another idea: dump the slider in favor of buttons, with one button labeled "Other" that reveals a textbox.

ceboudreaux commented 11 years ago

The only meaning I can see behind favoring certain tip amounts over others is their frequency of use. 84% of tips are either $.25 or $1.00.

untitaker commented 11 years ago

For me, the worst part of the new slider is that it does not allow you to abort your selection and shows an annoying blocking alert() box. I'd like the UI to show a "Save" button instead.

bdickason commented 11 years ago

Two suggestions as someone who just accidentally gifted someone $10 and meant to give $5: 1) As suggested above, add a 'Save' button (it could even only display once you've changed it if you want to keep the minimal interface)

2) It wasn't clear to me until the third time I visited the site that I could actually interact with a slider. Because the 'controls' look like simple buttons, I thought I HAD to give either $0.25 or $10/week (the default amounts). This may be alleviated by adding the 'Save' button above or perhaps adjusting the interface so that the control you 'drag' is more circular or angled on top similar to common Mac/Windows UI elements.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

From @evbogue on

Gnome has a good slider. It shades in the portion to the left of where you are, so you can see it's a slider.


chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@gwenbell on

I just wanna mash a button (a la the primary button on Ev's graphic there) that says $1/wk or $3/wk. I don't wanna futz with a slider (the double-click), but that could be left there, as an option for people to get finer control. Also. It has got to say CONFIRM and then I push CONFIRM to confirm that I'm giving that amount per week.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I shouldn't have kept adding +1s to #1066 after closing it. Now we have a ticket fork! :scream_cat:

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

The simplicity of a button is nice but then what amounts do we have buttons for? See #76, #95, and #180 for prior discussion here. The button-as-slider was intended as a compromise between the two, but it's too non-obvious. Text box is nice because it's the most obvious in terms of what to do with it (right?) and it also shows the exact amount you're giving better than a slider. However, the slider indicates that there's a max gift per week of $100, which I don't think is unimportant to communicate.

How about this:


That's two variants on a text input box with a slider under it as well as "suggested amounts" that are links instead of buttons so that we can show many more of them because links are compact, though that makes the click target smaller which could be a problem on mobile. Also note that I picked up on @evbogue and Gnome's suggestion of shading the left part of the slider.

Doesn't account neatly for explicit "save" (do we actually want that?), nor for turning a tip off (the [ $0 ] button is gone).

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Also doesn't account for usage in batch context ("giving" page and org pages).

balupton commented 10 years ago

Why is there a max?

balupton commented 10 years ago

However, the slider indicates that there's a max gift per week of $100, which I don't think is unimportant to communicate.

Max could be conveyed with some little grey text below the input textbox "Max $100/week" which appears to communicate the max without the visual clutter of the slider. Text could also just show when editing the text box.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Why is there a max?

To avoid over-dependence on any one patron (conversely, to avoid giving any one patron undue influence).

Max could be conveyed with some little grey text below the input textbox "Max $100/week" which appears to communicate the max without the visual clutter of the slider.

It does add a lot of clutter, doesn't it? We could also just give feedback when the user goes over $100 without worrying about communicating it ahead of time. We could also have $100 as the highest suggestion which would softly indicate the max.

Text could also just show when editing the text box.

Perhaps, though for new users approaching Gittip with beginner's mind I think it's helpful to suggest amounts right off the bat.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

I'll note that the sliders in the Humble Bundle example are actually three linked percentage sliders:

screen shot 2013-07-15 at 12 49 41 pm

When you slide one, the other two adjust accordingly so the total remains the same.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Here's how Humble Bundle does the total amount:

screen shot 2013-07-15 at 12 53 23 pm

gwenbell commented 10 years ago

When my house burned down in 2007, donations poured in through Red Cross. Red Cross saved my ass, along with those of my housemates. This is how they do it. Even the wording is great "give a recurring gift of $__ to ___ and support the work they're doing." With a photo of the recipient's face right there next to the gift.

I dislike sliders when it comes to money online. Not even Humble Bundle. I want to type in the amount, and I like the suggested amounts: 25 cents minimum, 100 maximum. If PayPal asked me to use a slider to transfer money to my bank account, I would be suspicious. redcross

evbogue commented 10 years ago

Maybe the simplest possible, don't make me think way to do this is @whit537's sketch, but take away the slider all together.


And then put a confirm button under or next to it.

The Red Cross money capture is very clear too.

People don't use sliders on the Internet much. And never with money. Think about how much you hestiate around a 'send money' button on Paypal, to make sure everything is right.

Plus, this is WAY easier to implement.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Here's a sketch without the slider at all (per @balupton @ceboudreaux @gwenbell):


evbogue commented 10 years ago

Just add a confirm button and we're golden.

gwenbell commented 10 years ago

Yay! Yes. Plus a confirm button.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@gwenbell @evbogue The twist here is that the Red Cross page is a one-time transaction page, this is a part of a profile page that you may visit without any intention to modify your tip. In fact I would expect that most times you visit a profile page you don't intend to change your tip.

Do we show the confirm button at all times? Or only when the user changes the amount? Or maybe when they focus that input box?

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago


chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

I would like to say that the slider entered this whole conversation when I misunderstood how Humble Bundle worked. See #434 and Consider the slider dead.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Maybe / week changes to a confirm button when the text input is focussed?


chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

With ever-present confirm button:


chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Or on the side:


gwenbell commented 10 years ago

I like your confirm button loc. All on the horizon.


chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@gwenbell That sketch isn't bad but we're constrained for now by our layout with the bit of the box we get to use for this.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

IRC agreement on:


cakey commented 10 years ago

So the amount is entirely free form now, or does it snap to anything?

I like the design above, but I feel something has been lost since the original set of buttons - this design requires more thought on behalf of the giver, and provides far less context to the typical amounts that are gifted. Simply stating $100/wk max, may seem daunting to some users and unintentionally price them out.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@cakey Freeform + suggestions as text links underneath (like Gmail does for including other people on an email, e.g.). I'm curious to see what the suggestions feel like once implemented. I agree that we need some guidance for new users here.

bruceadams commented 10 years ago

I built a little prototype slider based on jQuery UI's slider. Take a look here:

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Thanks @bruceadams! This presents a good learning opportunity for our team. :-)

As we figure out how to work efficiently together, we need to get in the habit of assigning ourselves to tickets, and, conversely, noticing when someone has assigned themselves to a ticket. I'm hoping we can write up a more detailed explanation of this under /for/contributors/ (#1135), but for now the basic rules are:

  1. Only you can assign and unassign yourself to a ticket.
  2. You should have at most one ticket assigned to yourself at a time.

@rummik has assigned this ticket to herself, so be sure to be aware of that, and coordinate any work on this with her. (Unfortunately, GitHub doesn't include issue assignments as events amidst the comment stream on the issue; see We should probably do that manually for now.)

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@bruceadams I'll also point out that after hashing it out in the comments above and on IRC, we landed on a design that doesn't include the slider. Sorry. :-( Yesterday afternoon I updated the ticket title and description to reflect this. Here's where the slider officially died:

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@bruceadams Feel free to push back on slider death, of course, recognizing that @rummik has probably already started implementation.

bruceadams commented 10 years ago

I have no special love for a slider implementation. I'm very unhappy that we have a user interface that we know confuses people, especially when the confusion has an impact on their money. We really need something, anything, that's better than what we have live on the site now.

I had put together that prototype a few weeks ago and hoped to figure out how to hack it into Gittip itself. The existing slider was beyond my JavaScript reading ability.

bruceadams commented 10 years ago

I've been remiss in not explaining how bad the existing tip button/slider problem is. (My usual MO is to fix things, not just talk about them.)

We've had several people complain about the current button/slider, both as being confusing and as having actual tip amounts be far higher than intended. This is a public web site. What is the ratio of people who report an issue to the total number of people who experience the issue? One in a hundred? One in a thousand? I'm convinced the existing button/slider combination has confused and/or pissed-off hundreds, maybe thousands, of people. This has been broken for far too long.

Can we get this fixed today?

As I see it, we have two clear choices:

  1. Move forward to using a text input box as described in this issue.
  2. Revert back to the pure buttons that preceded the current button/slider combination.
chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

@bruceadams Yes, this is a big problem. We got a big bump in users and givers from @jeresig's Khan announcement, but not a corresponding rise in giving:

screen shot 2013-07-18 at 9 15 52 am

This accords with the effect we've heard reported: people are signing up and are in fact tipping, but they're only tipping 25¢ because they think $10 is the only other option.

Let's give @rummik until noon (EDT) to surface, otherwise @jeromegn or I will knock this out.

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Thanks @rummik! :D