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Come up with issue tags for type of code needed to solve an issue #1271

Closed stevekinney closed 11 years ago

stevekinney commented 11 years ago

This is kind of tricky because no one wants to over-complicate and muddy up the very nice tagging system we have now. But, I was thinking, different people have different skill sets.

It'd be helpful to see all of the front-end JavaScript issues versus all of the backend Python issues versus all of the overall documentation issues.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

The best way to find something to work on is to use Gittip and get annoyed at it. I specifically recommend against browsing issues as a way to find something to work on, because the best work is work done to scratch an itch. Go get itchy! :D

BTW, you should join us in IRC. That's the best way to work together to find a good next project for you. :-)

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

If IRC doesn't work we can use issues. Maybe we could try "find stevekinney's next project" as the title? Edit and reopen this ticket if you'd like to go that route instead of IRC. :-)