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build a proper API #462

Closed chadwhitacre closed 11 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Current: Ad-Hoc

Option 1:

Like Twitter, GitHub, etc.

Option 2: Reddit-Style

This would be done w/ Aspen by converting all pages to negotiated simplates.

Surfaced with @clone1018 in IRC.

We do this for the stats page, using negotiated simplates:


sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

I'll definitely work on this. Expect a pull request within a month or so (ideally)

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@sigmavirus24 I would say start it as a repo under your account, and we can move it under the zetaweb organization when the time comes.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@sigmavirus24 Actually, I want you to assign this ticket to yourself. May I make you a zetaweb collaborator?

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

@whit537 I was thinking of doing the Reddit style API which is why I forked the repo. I would be honored if you added me and then I'll work on a separate feature branch.

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

So looking at #449, I'm wondering a couple things: are planning to use the API for as well or just maintain it for external purposes?

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@sigmavirus24 It seems to me that should be a service layer that is used by itself as well as third parties. No?

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

That's fine, I just didn't realize that was part of the plan. So in short you want

|               |
     ^                  ^
  ___|_______           |
| |          |
+-------------+      ___|__________
                    | Everyone else |

And the API should return:

And what else?

Also, how do we authenticate the user. Currently users can only sign in via Twitter or GitHub. OAuth? (OAuth2?)

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

So the reason I ask about authentication is because we authenticate users ourselves. How would a user otherwise authenticate with Gittip though (mainly via the API). Let's say we (or someone else) built a mobile (or desktop) app based on the API. Do they first get the user to authenticate via Twitter or GitHub first? This seems a bit unwieldy. I think there are other apps which already do this, but it just feels awkward to me. In that case, do we offer our own basic authentication (login/password) to make it simpler for a user to activate an OAuth token for the app? If we start doing our own OAuth for the API, do we incorporate #455 with this issue?

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Right, that's a lot of work. Do you think we should tackle OAuth first?

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

I'm not entirely sure. I'll have to look more into aspen before giving you a solid response. Half of the time, I post questions to myself as well as to others. No one usually answers my questions anyway ;)

lyndsysimon commented 11 years ago

"No one usually answers my questions anyway ;)"

There's an easy solution to that - ask easier questions!

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

But that takes all the fun away from asking them!

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago


!m @sigmavirus24 !m @lyndsysimon

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

@lyndsysimon since you seem interested in this as well, let me bounce an idea off of you (if you don't mind).

Even if we don't become an OAuth provider, I would think using OAuth secret/key pairs would be the best way of authenticating against the API. My concern is how the user/application developers obtain this. Obviously the user has to authenticate but how do they do so? Should we add the capability for "basic" (login/password) authentication? I'm trying to imagine all possible ways of using the API, one being a CLI. There's no way (assuming working on a remote machine) to open a page to "redirect" back to the application. Do we force users to procure their own secret/key pairs from

The former seems reasonable, but then do we enable registrations that way? I would prefer not to. I like the way we encourage registrations now. Do we then only allow registered users to set up a username and password? (This is what I'm leaning towards, honestly.)

The latter seems unreasonable since keys are 20 or 24 characters (I can't remember which) and secrets are twice that length. That seems a bit of a labor for a normal user.

Obviously we'll need a separate endpoint for retrieving an authorization. The question then also becomes, since we're providing this alternate way of authenticating, do we allow it's user for the rest of the API or do we enforce the use of OAuth for the rest? I'd rather use the latter, especially since I don't think we should allow basic authentication on the web site either.

And this all almost seems like we're bulking up Gittip just to add the API. :-/

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

And what else?

Funds (#449). I think that's going to be an important part of the API, because it will enable an ecosystem of third parties implementing their own arbitrary algorithms for computing funds.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

+1 from @hamstah in #sqlalchemy.

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

@whit537 +1 about?


A running list (I'll probably just update this comment for future reference):

JSON representations

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

Also, we'll need some good validation for descriptive error messages (#479). The other thing is with /authorizations I'd like to suggest a page under a user's account where they can manage (revoke) existing authorizations.

lyndsysimon commented 11 years ago

(I wrote the below, and had to leave before fully proofreading it. My apologies if it's fractured. The short version is: I propose that we allow users to create API IDs and API keys in the web interface first. Those can be used for the API. Then once the API is complete and there is a need for it, we can implement a single endpoint to allow OAuth access to get the ID/key - without having to support OAuth throughout the API.)

Even if we don't become an OAuth provider, I would think using OAuth secret/key pairs would be the best way of authenticating against the API. My concern is how the user/application developers obtain this. Obviously the user has to authenticate but how do they do so? Should we add the capability for "basic" (login/password) authentication? I'm trying to imagine all possible ways of using the API, one being a CLI. There's no way (assuming working on a remote machine) to open a page to "redirect" back to the application. Do we force users to procure their own secret/key pairs from

I think requiring OAuth for the API is unnecessarily weighty, from both sides. On the server, we're having to add code to support the authentication flow, and store/update OAuth tokens associated with an account. On the client, they're having to support redirection, which could be an issue with simple clients, like a nice wrapper around Curl. One might, for instance, want to hit the API from a cron job to find your account balance, which might then be displayed in a Conky widget. That would be hard to write if you had to deal with auth redirections.

The former seems reasonable, but then do we enable registrations that way? I would prefer not to. I like the way we encourage registrations now. Do we then only allow registered users to set up a username and password? (This is what I'm leaning towards, honestly.)

Registrations for Gittip? I say no - Gittip doesn't have user content at this point to speak of, and I think that's a good thing. It's not about what you write on Gittip, it's about your contributions on other sites.

The latter seems unreasonable since keys are 20 or 24 characters (I can't remember which) and secrets are twice that length. That seems a bit of a labor for a normal user.

I agree that it's cumbersome, but it's not uncommon. Thinking of things I've used recently that hit APIs, everything I can think of that ties into Eve Online's API uses this method. Example:'s Killboard

Obviously we'll need a separate endpoint for retrieving an authorization. The question then also becomes, since we're providing this alternate way of authenticating, do we allow it's user for the rest of the API or do we enforce the use of OAuth for the rest? I'd rather use the latter, especially since I don't think we should allow basic authentication on the web site either.

I disagree. If we're using a "secret key" method, then the user's username (or API ID) and API key would be sufficient. That could be sent with any request over SSL, and would relieve the server of the requirement to maintain state. If we use OAuth, then we can assign a temporary API key that the client must renew by re-authenticating.

Actually, now that I think about it, that seems to be the best way to me. Require an API ID and key for every transaction to a secured resource. Implement a single endpoint that will allow the client to use OAuth to obtain an API ID and key, along with a user-accessible web page to do the same. That way, normal requests are all stateless, developers can write hosted applications on the Gittip API without touching user credentials, and people wanting to develop on their own can just grab the API ID and key from the page.

In addition, this would provide flexibility for more complex authorization schemes in the future - users could have multiple API IDs, each with permissions to access different parts of the API.

And this all almost seems like we're bulking up Gittip just to add the API. :-/

Indeed - but that's because of the way we're growing. The web interface drives the growth of the application. If we implemented features in the application first, adding an API would be simple. On the other hand, if we implement something through a web interface, we get time to think about it and experience to build upon by the time we get around to moving it to the core of the application itself - the quality of the core reflects this.

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

I think requiring OAuth for the API is unnecessarily weighty, from both sides. On the server, we're having to add code to support the authentication flow, and store/update OAuth tokens associated with an account.

Well we're already talking about becoming an OAuth provider, so assuming we do become one, it wouldn't be as weighty as you suggest.

For simple curl requests, I'm thinking we can also use the basic tokens that GitHub uses. They could be sent as an Authorization header.

As for adding authorization flow to Gittip, this would ideally be handled by Aspen. Other frameworks (e.g., flask) handle this for the user.

Registrations for Gittip? I say no

We agree. :)

Require an API ID and key for every transaction to a secured resource.

This is how a few APIs (that I know of) operate and frankly how I intended this workflow to be used here.

users could have multiple API IDs, each with permissions to access different parts of the API.

Again, I should have been more explicit, each application seeking to authenticate its user should have it's own authorization. This would also allow us to track rogue applications that might be stealing from users.

To sum up (and be more explicit than before):

My one question remains: is there a simple way to allow a user to authenticate with Gittip besides having to redirect from Twitter or GitHub (or future services)?

Finally, one nit-pick:

One might, for instance, want to hit the API from a cron job to find your account balance, which might then be displayed in a Conky widget.

Assuming you mean the amount Gittip lists you as current receiving, then this should be accessible through non-authenticated requests.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago



sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

Thanks for linking this Chad.

jeromegn commented 11 years ago

Mostly this:

nairboon commented 11 years ago

402 and #977 ask for a history API, something like

/on/:service/:id/history for a list of received tips

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

I'm fine with our ad-hoc API as it's developing. We actually have clients being built now so a change at this point would be harder to pull off. Let's revisit in a couple years.

eric-s-raymond commented 11 years ago

Just a note that while the API is probably of little practical importance, being seen to have an API is crucial to gittip's positioning.

Truth: "where's the JSON RPC interface?" was one of the first questions I had about the site, even though I was well aware there simply wouldn't be that much it could do.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@eric-s-raymond Note that we do have a published JSON API, with a few clients already started: