gratipay / humans

Humans aren't resources.
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hire @abnor #2

Closed abnor closed 11 years ago

abnor commented 11 years ago

Proposed: Hire @abnor as a Public Relations/Graphic Design (Communications) Assistant


My resume is pretty expansive so I'll just generalize my experiences.

I am a communications major with a love for IT and CS. I have a ton of experience with journalism-type tasks, such as digging up contact information and reaching out to all kinds of professionals. I have a knack for technical writing and guides, including putting together manuals (sketching and graphic art), or ripping them apart and explaining technical terms to live audiences (not afraid of public speaking).

I have experience using HTML/CSS back in 2007, but only have basic skills in using python, ruby, java, and C since 2010. It is my goal to catch up to html5/css3, javascipt (and android app dev), in addition to playing with R (I LOVE infographs!

I could help with the PR side of things, like to drive gittip towards a wider audience. I've got ideas churning in my head about tweaking layout, making text more user-friendly, and more aesthetic. I also see potential in using paypal accounts and other professional sites used to bring people together, like linked-in.

The more I visit the website the more excited I get about the idea of a generous community donating to selfless individuals. I'm also a bit of a philosopher in addition to enjoying deconstructing societal concepts and breaking down behaviors to their basic biological form. I just really want to get involved in this!

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago



[tbd]—What do Google Webmaster Tools help us with? What would you be responsible for if we put you in charge of them?

abnor commented 11 years ago

So far it looks like just analytics about traffic flows and demographics, and some adsense (google ad revenue-what their entire company was originally funded from) opportunities.

If I were responsible for playing around with google webmaster I'd find different angles to make the gittip website more accessible search-wise and more popular among different demographics. See screenshots via email.

abnor commented 11 years ago

Also, I would like another human to go over ASPEN with me, some 'employee training' if you will. I will bring my laptop next time :] (Though it is a mac and I am not happy about it).

abnor commented 11 years ago

Maybe be hired as Traffic Analysist... Wait, is that a word?

bruceadams commented 11 years ago

Analysist and word maker upper? :thumbsup:

abnor commented 11 years ago

Here's the presentation analyzing Traffic Analytics :D

abnor commented 11 years ago

And here is the super awesome business report of the same material! But more in depth, I suppose.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@abnor is in Ecuador for the time being. Closing for now.

abnor commented 11 years ago

You remembered the country correctly! But I am already back now :P

abnor commented 10 years ago



chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Hah! :dancer: