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Here lieth a pioneer in open source sustainability. RIP
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go to PyCon 2015! #111

Closed chadwhitacre closed 9 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Per private email w/ @dianaclarke, I've submitted a sponsorship application at the open-source/community level on the website.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

!m lyndsysimon. An appropriate thing to do. :-)

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Ok so its a hangout at 1900 GMT on sunday

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Ok so its a hangout at 1900 GMT on sunday

Sounds good! :-)

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Erm ... 2300 GMT == 1900 GMT-4, right? :)

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Ok 7pm on Sunday. thinks that its 3pm On Mar 11, 2015, at 2:30 PM, Chad Whitacre wrote:

Erm ... 2300 GMT == 1900 GMT-4, right? :)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

aisipos commented 9 years ago

Sorry to be late to the party - yes I will be at Pycon and will be happy to help staff the booth. I am out of town on Sunday and can't make the hangout, but will watch the archive of it.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @aisipos! It'll be good to have a third person on hand to spread the load so @chrisdev and @citruspi can make it to the talks they want to go to. :-)

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev @whit537,

What's the link for the Google Hangout?

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

I’m just on my Mac waiting for @whit537 to call. You logged into Gmail? On Mar 15, 2015, at 6:58 PM, Mihir Singh wrote:

@chrisdev @whit537,

What's the link for the Google Hangout?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev Yup.

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@whit537 I just realized you may not be aware, but the email to invite me to a hangout with would be

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

I flaked, I'm sorry. :-(

If you're both still online I could do the call now. Otherwise, let's reschedule.

I'm sorry. :-(

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@whit537 @citruspi Sleepy! But next week may be too late so if you got to do it now we got to do it now

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty sleepy, too, and we don't have @citruspi. Can we try tomorrow or Thursday at 7pm?

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Ok 7pm any day of the week should be fine for me. Try for tomorrow? maybe @aisipos may be able to participate also

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Thanks @chrisdev. Let's try tomorrow (Monday) evening at 7pm, unless @citruspi and/or @aisipos ask for Thursday instead.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

P.S. That's 7pm in GMT-4 (= US/Eastern).

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Ok it is 10:19 pm 22:19 pm now at GMT -4 city :smile:

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@whit537 @chrisdev Could we do this on Thursday instead of today?

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Ok Thursday is ok for me

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Roger that, Thursday it is. Thanks team. :)

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Ready for a call @chrisdev @citruspi? Sending link in email ...

chrisdev commented 9 years ago


citruspi commented 9 years ago


chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Stream/archive link:

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Okay! Good call, thank you @chrisdev @citruspi. Here's the summary as I understand it:

  1. "Gratipay is a way to give a quarter a week to someone you love or are inspired by. Do you have your phone? Want to walk through signing up right now?"
    • 76% of people are interested in this, and 52% can readily think of someone to give to (survey).
  2. "Gratipay is a place to find work." ← Teams
  3. "Gratipay is a way to run your open-source project as an open company."
New Since Last Year
Dev Priorities
  1. Homepage ( is the top of this rabbit hole).
  2. Email notifications related to charges (,
  3. Stripe migration (, especially if it helps with non-U.S. payins/outs.
aisipos commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the summary of the meeting - due to it being 4pm PDT and during work I was unable to attend. The summary above is great, I'll also watch the recording at

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@whit537 I recall you having a design for a proposed t-shirt. Any chance you can put your hands on it?

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@whit537 @citruspi @aisipos When I saw this tweet from @ericholscher I had a crazy idea! (well I actually, I had it later during my church service :)) Why don't we don't we forget the t-shirts* and make Gratipay at Pycon all about helping some of our "stand out" users raise more money or even meet their funding goals.

As we on-board new people or reconnect with existing users into gratipay we encourage them to help folks like Readthedocs go from $83 to $500+ for by the end of the conference. We should choose about 4 or 5 of these "stand out" users from the Python Community.

We could also use some of the planned t-shirt money as fund to provide a small tip 5-25 cents? to our users. As they join, we tip them and work on trying to get them to tip one or more of our standouts.

Hey see, someone's tipped you already. Now get out that credit/debit card and give a tip to WothyGraipayUser

We could even create a "getto" dashboard by using tablet screens to show the progress of our standouts are making towards meeting their goals. Ok someone's going to suggest a raspberry-pi hack but you get the picture..

We will probably need the permission of the "standouts" Once they opt in, they can tell their own followers about this awesome promotion organised by the wonderful folks at Gratipay. In that way we can get even more buzz going

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Sounds good to me, @chrisdev. Definitely would work best as an intentional partnership.

@ericholscher Any interest in collaborating with @chrisdev on cross-promotion at PyCon?

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev @citruspi @aisipos Exhibitor discount ends tomorrow. I believe we decided not to get any extra furniture. Do we want electricity?

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Yes to electricity!!

citruspi commented 9 years ago

:zap: :+1:

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@whit537 @citruspi @aisipos Here are some other folks in the Python Community that we can promote at PyCon. Comments/suggestions

@whit537 curious why you think that it will work best as an international partnership?

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev He said "intentional" not "international" :stuck_out_tongue:

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev Another member of the Python community who I think we could promote would be Kenneth Reitz - he created requests.

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Wow @citruspi I guess I can't even blame the auto correct for my stupidity :smile:

citruspi commented 9 years ago

t-shirts are too bloody expensive, even if I sourced in T&T and the screen printer is not going to charge anything they are going to cost $US400+

Even if we don't plan on mass purchasing t-shirts to hand out for the conference, could we do something like running a Teespring? I'd still like to purchase one or two for myself, and I'm sure there are other who would also.

That is, assuming I like the design. :wink:

I'd be happy to get it started and run it if there's interest. In addition, if we're interested in having a markup on the shirts, we could also use this to fundraise. We could put the profits towards providing the small initial tip for new users. I'd prefer the markup be lower than higher, so I don't think we'd come out of it with a lot of extra money, but every bit helps.

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Teespring sounds good. Don't they have a minimum order Anyway, its no risk to the seller so I think we should go ahead ASAP. The markup could be used to fund the gratipay team! I'm pretty sure I saw a design from someone called @freshdrips? @whit537 can you dig this up?

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev I'm pretty sure that I've seen campaigns with twenty or thirty shirts sold. I'd personally buy two or three and I have a feeling there's interest so I'm not worried about reaching the tipping point.

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

Here's an rough draft of an email that we could send out to the "standout" users.

Greetings {{ worthy_user_or_team }} First, we would like to thank you for all the great work that you have been doing for the Python community. We have selected your project, along with 4 others, for a special promotion at the Pycon 2015. In this promotion will be actively encouraging all visitors to our booth as well as our wider user base to help you attain or surpass your funding goal by the close of Pycon 2015. We will be providing a Dashboard at our booth that will highlight your project and the progress been made to meeting the funding target. Thanks for participating in this initiative.

Regards {{ senior_marketing_guru }}

@citruspi @whit537 @aisipos comments and suggestions.

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev @whit537 @aisipos Here's my take on it:

Hey {{ user }},

Gratipay appreciates the awesome work you do for the Python community.

We're planning on having a special promotion at PyCon 2015 to help highlight people and teams who do awesome work and to help them get more funding using Gratipay.

We've selected five different people and teams to take part in the promotion, and you're one of them!

As part of the promotion, we will be encouraging people who visit the Gratipay booth to give to people and teams who do awesome, specifically you. We will also provide a dashboard at our booth which will highlight your project and and the progress that has been made towards achieving your funding goal.

By the end of the conference we would like to make sure that you have reached 100% of your funding goal.

Let us know if you're interested in partnering with us in the promotion.

- Gratipay

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@citruspi :+1: A vast improvement!

By the end of the conference we would like to make sure that you have reached 100% of your funding goal.

In a few cases the user wants to raise $2,000 a week so this may be a big ask!

lyndsysimon commented 9 years ago

+1 to Teespring.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

@chrisdev @citruspi I like the way this is going! A couple thoughts:

First, let's reach out to teams instead of individuals, to avoid stirring up the resentment we've seen in the past, and, conversely, to make the pie bigger for everyone! :-)

Second, let's not pitch this as "we've selected" but rather as "we'd love to work with you." I don't know how many projects are going to be willing to be identified with us. We should reach out to a fair number in the hopes of finding a few that are interested in this.

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

I afraid that most of them will say yes!

Too many people would mean less impact. We want to show that Gratipay can work if you promote yourself. This is what Ashe Dryen and co, did so effectively. If this thing works we could always repeat for various events and times etc. with a different set of users/teams.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

I afraid that most of them will say yes!

I'm not so sure. :-(

Too many people would mean less impact.

Not necessarily. We want to grow the whole pie. More options means more likelihood that I as a potential giver standing at the booth spot a project that I really do want to support.

We want to show that Gratipay can work if you promote yourself.

Agreed, and I think we want many projects to be promoting themselves and their Gratipay account.

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@whit537 you may be correct. Although I think that Gratipay may be much more positively perceived than you think. I guess we could prepare a nice poster to show the users the list of participants.

citruspi commented 9 years ago

@whit537 @chrisdev

Another thought. Instead of

we could purchase a smaller amount of shirts, about $200 or so, and sell them. The Teepsring shirts I was looking at were a little under $9/shirt for American Apparel shirts. We could either sell the shirts without a markup simply to provide people with an opportunity to purchase them or we could sell them with a slight markup to fundraise.

Either way, people at PyCon would get Gratipay shirts without us losing money on them.

I remember PyLadies was selling shirts for $20 last year. I'm wearing mine right now. :wink:

chrisdev commented 9 years ago

@citruspi $20 is a good price but we have to be clear what we are using the money for. Still think we should do the Teespirng for those not at Pycon.