gratipay /

Here lieth a pioneer in open source sustainability. RIP
57 stars 38 forks source link

run Gratipay 270 #1125

Closed gratipay-bot closed 6 years ago

gratipay-bot commented 6 years ago

← Payday 269



Month Pilot Copilot
August @clone1018 :airplane: @rohitpaulk
September @whit537 @clone1018
October @rohitpaulk @whit537
November @clone1018 @rohitpaulk
December @whit537 @clone1018
January @rohitpaulk @whit537
February @clone1018 @rohitpaulk
March @whit537 @clone1018
April @rohitpaulk @whit537
May @clone1018 @rohitpaulk
June @whit537 @clone1018
July @rohitpaulk @whit537
clone1018 commented 6 years ago


clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Backup taken and verified.

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Script ran for 53 seconds (0:00:53.731120).

clone1018 commented 6 years ago
gratipay::DATABASE=> update exchange_routes set fee_cap = 20.00 where fee_cap is null and network = 'paypal';
clone1018 commented 6 years ago

POSTed MassPay back to Gratipay for 63 users.

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Escrow Shuffle

MassPay 1,573.24
5x 7,866.2
Balance 6,343.32
Added 2,000.00
clone1018 commented 6 years ago


clone1018 commented 6 years ago

uh what the heck? 50% unsuccessful transactions but normal amount transferred? @whit537 ?

rohitpaulk commented 6 years ago

How many new givers did we approve? (roughly)

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

@rohitpaulk I approved 2.

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

50% unsuccessful transactions but normal amount transferred?


We had a couple high weeks a month or two ago, but not that high. Hmm ... :thinking:

rohitpaulk commented 6 years ago

Looks like this is due to a high number of built up charges...

-- Exchanges by status, this payday
SELECT COUNT(*), status
  FROM exchanges
 WHERE amount > 0 -- Only payins
   AND timestamp > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day'
 GROUP BY status;

 count |  status
    41 | failed
    48 | succeeded

-- Exchanges by status, last payday
SELECT COUNT(*), status
  FROM exchanges
 WHERE amount > 0 -- only payins
   AND timestamp > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '8 day'
   AND timestamp < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day'
 GROUP BY status;

 count |  status
     4 | failed
    38 | succeeded

-- Exchanges by amount, this payday
SELECT COUNT(*) as count, amount + fee AS total
  FROM exchanges
 WHERE amount > 0 -- Only payins
   AND timestamp > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day'
 GROUP BY total

 count | total
    51 |  10.10  ----- Looks important. A large number of payments that are $9.5 in amount, $0.6 in fees.
     6 |  10.61
     3 |  10.20
     3 |  12.67

-- When users joined, this payday

SELECT justify_days(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - p.claimed_time)
  FROM exchanges
  JOIN participants p ON p.username = exchanges.participant
 WHERE amount > 0 -- only payins
   AND status = 'failed'
   AND timestamp > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day';

2 years - 4 years, mostly. 
rohitpaulk commented 6 years ago
-- distribution by amount
SELECT COUNT(*), pi.amount
  FROM exchanges
  JOIN participants p ON p.username = exchanges.participant
  JOIN payment_instructions pi ON pi.participant_id =
  JOIN teams t ON = pi.team_id
 WHERE exchanges.amount > 0 -- only payins
   AND status = 'failed'
   AND timestamp > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day'
 GROUP BY pi.amount;

 count | amount
     6 |   0.00
    35 |   0.10
     2 |   0.25
     3 |   0.50
     1 |   1.00
     2 |   5.00
     1 |   9.00
     1 |  12.00

Most of the failed payments are to the Gratipay team.

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

Received the following from Digital Ocean. Related to payday, @clone1018 @rohitpaulk?

Please verify that it’s you

Your sign in attempt seems a little different than usual. This could be because you are signing in from a different device or a different location.

If you are attempting to sign-in, please use the following code to confirm your identity:


Here are the details of the sign-in attempt: Thursday, August 08/03/17 at 16:44 MST Account: Location: US IP Address: [] Operating system: OS X 10.11.6 64-bit Browser: Chrome

If this wasn’t you, please reset your password. Like always, if you have any questions please respond to this email to open a support ticket.

Yours securely, Team DigitalOcean

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

That was me, clicked the wrong login :(

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

All good. ☺️

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

Awesome debugging, @rohitpaulk. If at the end of the month our failure rate is > 15%, we'll have something pretty solid to report to Braintree.



chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

Anything left before closing, @clone1018?

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Just terror :)