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Here lieth a pioneer in open source sustainability. RIP
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Set goals #1177

Closed chadwhitacre closed 6 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

I think our first reward tier should be a hand-written thank you note with stickers and a heart coin for the first donors up to $100,000.

Assuming for the moment that we reach that ... what next?

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

Could we find some interesting project that we could hire to do and publish the results?

Does OSI have any of those fancy scarfs left?

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

@dmk246 has said she's willing to help with writing the thank-you notes. Stickers are #1176.

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

Talking this through with @chrisecjohns ... what about we offer different distribution algorithms at different levels? I think @andrew was suggesting similarly the other day.

running total ($) amount ($) method
100,000 100,000 according to metrics (SourceRank?)
250,000 150,000 voting by companies
500,000 250,000 fellows program
1,000,000 500,000 consortium of non-profits
??? ??? ???
mattbk commented 6 years ago

I'm a little confused by levels/tiers. You seem to be using them in aggregate rather than per giving company?

mattbk commented 6 years ago

Or is it per-company aggregate? Over multiple campaigns, for example?

chadwhitacre commented 6 years ago

@mattbk Fair enough. I've split out for rewards, keeping this for overall campaign goals. I guess my thinking is that unlocking things at certain goal levels could incentivize contribution w/o as much overhead as rewards entail.