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Here lieth a pioneer in open source sustainability. RIP
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onboard @B3nac #1193

Closed B3nac closed 6 years ago

B3nac commented 6 years ago

Hello Gratipay team,

My name is Kyle and I am a security researcher. Currently I'm active duty Air Force and pursing a degree in Software Development and Security. I want to use my spare time helping with security related issues on Gratipay.

My focus:

-Help protect Gratipay from security vulnerabilities via audits and black box testing.

-Reproduce, Investigate, diagnose and fix security issues on your HackerOne program.

-Be a team player and help make the world and Gratipay a better place.

EdOverflow commented 6 years ago

Hi @B3nac,

Welcome to the team. I have sent you invite to join our Hackerone bug bounty program. We look forward to working with you.