gratipay /

Here lieth a pioneer in open source sustainability. RIP
57 stars 38 forks source link

run Gratipay 287 #1210

Closed gratipay-bot closed 6 years ago

gratipay-bot commented 6 years ago

← Payday 286



Month Pilot Copilot
November @clone1018 :airplane: rohitpaulk
December whit537 clone1018
The End
clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Last payday I'll ever run for Gratipay...

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Backup taken and verified

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Script ran for 27 seconds (0:00:27.513157).

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

gratipay::DATABASE=> update exchange_routes set fee_cap = 20.00 where fee_cap is null and network = 'paypal'; UPDATE 0

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

POSTed MassPay back to Gratipay for 40 users.

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

Escrow Shuffle

MassPay 854.54
5x 4,272.7
Balance 7,299.55
Added 0.00
clone1018 commented 6 years ago

clone1018 commented 6 years ago

dun dun dunnn