gratipay /

Here lieth a pioneer in open source sustainability. RIP
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Learn to use tools of visual communication and teach new people how to do this #247

Closed techtonik closed 8 years ago

techtonik commented 9 years ago

We need to upgrade our communication ways to visual communication. One person can spend more time to transform information in visual way, like diagram, and it will save time for other people on reading and also keep it fun if there is some art embedded in it.

Sometimes drawing a diagram is faster than describing it in words. Sometimes text description is a must to resolve uncertainties. It all depends on situation, but in general the skill to do a diagram quickly to present some analysis or check the claim, is a must have for any contributor in a modern way. For an example, see and diagram after it.

saving time
for readers  -->  less teal deers  -->  less bounce-rate  -->  wider reach  -->  more help
             -->  more hours in a day  -->  more stuff being done  -->  better GP
techtonik commented 9 years ago
rohitpaulk commented 9 years ago

That's interesting, @techtonik :)

techtonik commented 9 years ago

Tool: Blockdiag Online


Gratipay Back:

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

!m @techtonik @tk0miya

Blockdiag is great! See :-)

need ability to render PNG to clipboard to paste to GitHub from there quickly

I tried using a few online conversion tools, but in the end I ended up just opening the SVG in a new tab (using the "Download for this diagram(SVG)" link at the bottom of interactive blockdiag) and taking a screenshot from there using my OS's normal screenshotting functionality. That works well enough, but a PNG save straight from blockdiag would be nice, too. :)

techtonik commented 9 years ago

Tool: StoryMap JS and Timeline JS


We need to tell the story of Gratipay evolution after its birthday. ...

(an attempt to dump my state of mind turned into 2kB story, which I will post into separate issue)

The story is necessary to make it clear how Gratipay, from a service that is open and friendly to all people, became landlocked within US borders and surrounded by spikes, shields, landmines and protective gear.

We will also need some a few maps showing where Gratipay is active and what transfers are possible. I have a vision how it looks like, but don't have skills to share. =)

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Sometimes drawing a diagram is faster than describing it in words.

Did you appreciate :)

The story is necessary to make it clear how Gratipay, from a service that is open and friendly to all people, became landlocked within US borders and surrounded by spikes, shields, landmines and protective gear.

I would tell a counter-narrative, about how Gratipay established itself as a legitimate participant within the global financial and legal system while preserving it's open and friendly soul, thereby introducing a seed of true change into the host system.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

What are the action items left to close this, @techtonik?

chadwhitacre commented 8 years ago

Hearing none ...