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Conduct interviews with existing and potential users #8

Closed chadwhitacre closed 10 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 10 years ago

Reticketed from #7 per call.

I think @patcon and @mtrythall are going to work on this?

mtrythall commented 10 years ago

I think the point here is to lock down some details about usage and perception of Gittip. Interviews are one tool we can use. Surveys, if done correctly, might be another. The points is we need to gather as much as we can and sort through it.

One thing we didn't get into are direct goals. So, yes, we want more people to use the site, more donations, etc. I'd like to break those down. But I'd also like to understand what the users want from Gittip and the only way to find out is to talk to them.

patcon commented 10 years ago

Using this as a scratchpad for now (I really prefer collaborative editing):

I can transfer over here when I've got some thoughts out :)

thefoxis commented 10 years ago

Actual user research can be very time consuming. I'm not saying no, but I think it might be more effective to prepare a decent survey that will give us proper insight.

The truth is that the research that is outlined here, in issues, is something that I've seen rarely done in projects, especially Open Source. Also another thing with research in general is that it takes a lot of time, so it slows down the actual design and development process.

I'd lean towards solutions that give us pretty fast results/probes so we can take it further. We don't want this redesign to span over months and years :)

Of course don't get me wrong, I think we should do research and I love the ideas!

mtrythall commented 10 years ago

I agree with @thefoxis. The point of this exercise was to lock down some user details.

For the sake of time let's go with @whit537's assumptions, but test those assumptions with a prototype later. We should be talking to the users at some point in this process though.