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Competency issues #113

Closed wfmackey closed 3 years ago

wfmackey commented 6 years ago

A running list of competency issues raised by people.

HughParsonage commented 6 years ago

Lucy encountered a difficult problem. pdflatex reported an error suggesting a problem with the bibliography.


Runaway argument?
{100\field {year}{2017} \field {dateera}{ce} \endentry \entry {2017_N\ETC.
! File ended while scanning use of \field.
<inserted text>
l.45 \begin{document}

The solution was quite involved. First I checked all entries that look like 2017_N where the error message ends:

  author       = {{COAG Energy Council}},
  title        = {Energy Security Board: Advice - The National Energy Guarantee},
  date         = {2017-11-20},
  url          = {},

Note that the url contains % signs, but this is acceptable inside URLs within .bib files. Lucy tried hypercorrecting them to \%, which is not correct (the URLs in the PDF would break).

The next step was to look at the previous entry:

  author       = {Sami Aoude and Lurion De Mello and Stefan Trueck},
  title        = {Electricity Futures Markets in Australia -- An Analysis of Risk Premiums during the Delivery Period},
  year         = {2016},
  institution  = {Centre for Financial Risk},
  note  = {Working Paper 16-03},
  url          = {},

That looks fine.

The next step was to look at the auxiliary files that link the bib file to LaTeX. This file is mentioned in the original error message: Report.bbl. Searching for text mentioned in the error message lead me to this chunk

      \field{title}{100% renewable electricity in Australia}
           family={{COAG Energy Council}},

Eyeballing it, the % jumped out and this was the problem: the title field in that entry was not escaped:

  author  = {Andrew Blakers and Bin Lu and Matthew Stocks},
  title   = {100% renewable electricity in Australia},
  journal = {Energy},
  date    = {2017-08-15},

Changing this to 100\% renewable electricity in Australia fixed the problem.

HughParsonage commented 6 years ago

Greg reported an issue with the following entry:

   author = {Gra\u{s}i\u{c}, Katja and Mason, Anne R. and Street, Andrew},
   title = {Paying for the quantity and quality of hospital care: the foundations and evolution of payment policy in England},
   journal = {Health Economics Review},
   volume = {5},
   number = {15},
   ISSN = {2191-1991},
   DOI = {10.1186/s13561-015-0050-x},
   url = {},
   year = {2015},
   type = {Journal Article},

with the obscure error


The problem was a linguistic issue: the first author's name was subtly misspelled. First as Greg entered it, then correctly:


The accents in the first line are called breves; in the second, carons. Breves do not exist in Croatian. A discussion on tex.stackexchange identified the mistake:

Fixing the \u's to \v's solved the issues.