Currently, the docs engine supports mermaid diagrams for rapid diagramming, and we encourage authors to use Lucidchart to create diagrams for pixel-perfect control. For me, both methods have disadvantages:
MermaidJS: The diagrams tend to look unprofessional and unattractive, and the rendering engine often results in tangles of arrows as well as arrangements of shapes that appear counterintuitive.
Lucidchart: Adjusting lines by hand is often tedious, getting in the way of velocity. Authors making changes to a diagram need to locate the original, which may be hard to track down.
Let's see if there are any alternatives that support:
Control over styling, branding, and (ideally) arrangements of shapes
Configuration/specification via text within an MDX file
For example, it might be good to look into graphviz/dot language libraries and implementations.
Currently, the docs engine supports
diagrams for rapid diagramming, and we encourage authors to use Lucidchart to create diagrams for pixel-perfect control. For me, both methods have disadvantages:Let's see if there are any alternatives that support:
For example, it might be good to look into graphviz/dot language libraries and implementations.
Related issue: