gravitational / teleport

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Improve Teleport installation Methods #17306

Closed sagesyr closed 3 months ago

sagesyr commented 1 year ago

Applies To


In some of our documentation, such as our Machine ID install docs, we include steps for downloading Teleport binaries when we could be using our install-linux.mdx partial. This task is for auditing our documentation and replacing install steps with the install-linux.mdx partial wherever applicable.

Related Issues

stevenGravy commented 1 year ago

It would helpful if there are some links on how to maintain these depending on the install type.

ptgott commented 4 months ago

Here are all the pages that include a section with the term "install" but do not mention install-linux.mdx, a partial that includes install-linux.mdx, or the helm install command:

Page Should it include install-linux.mdx?
docs/pages/database-access/guides/mongodb-self-hosted.mdx Already includes this partial, but in a section called "Set up..."
docs/pages/access-controls/compliance-frameworks/fedramp.mdx Not a how-to guide
docs/pages/access-controls/guides/dual-authz.mdx Includes plugin installation instructions
docs/pages/deploy-a-cluster/helm-deployments/custom.mdx No—there is a helm install example
docs/pages/deploy-a-cluster/helm-deployments/azure.mdx No—there is a helm install example
docs/pages/deploy-a-cluster/deployments/gcp.mdx No. This is a general architectural guide, not a specific how-to guide
docs/pages/index.mdx No. Inlines installation instructions without the install-linux.mdx partial
docs/pages/connect-your-client/teleport-connect.mdx No—re: Teleport Connect
docs/pages/connect-your-client/putty-winscp.mdx No—client guide
docs/pages/connect-your-client/tsh.mdx No—client guide
docs/pages/choose-an-edition/teleport-cloud/downloads.mdx No—download page, not a how-to guide
docs/pages/upgrading/self-hosted-automatic-agent-updates.mdx No—not a guide to installing Teleport
docs/pages/reference/helm-reference/teleport-cluster.mdx No—not a how-to guide
docs/pages/application-access/guides/dynamodb.mdx Uses docs/pages/includes/application-access/aws-database-start-app-service.mdx, which includes install-linux.mdx
docs/pages/application-access/guides/amazon-athena.mdx Same as the DynamoDB guide

I found these pages with this command:

find docs/pages -name "*.mdx" -exec awk '
/^##+ .*[iI]nstall/{i=1; s=1; next}
i==1 && /^#+ /{i=0}
i==1 && /aws-create-db-configuration.mdx/{l=1}
i==1 && /install-access-request.mdx/{l=1}
i==1 && /install-event-handler.mdx/{l=1}
i==1 && /install-linux\.mdx/{l=1}
i==1 && /helm install/{l=1}
END{if (s==1 && l==0) print FILENAME }' {} \
ptgott commented 3 months ago

As shown above, there don't seem to be any more guides with installation instructions where: