What happened: It is not currently possible to exit a shared session from the CLI without the session also being closed for the web user.
(this isn't a problem from the web side because clicking the red X at the top left will leave the session and leave the CLI connected, but there is no CLI equivalent of this command)
What you expected to happen: There should be a key combination or other supported method to disconnect a session from the CLI while leaving the web session connected.
Things that don't work:
typing exit
pressing Ctrl+D
SSH escape sequences like ~.
Things that do work:
killing the tsh binary on the client
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
Start a session from the CLI with tsh ssh node
Join the session from the web UI by clicking join
Try to leave the session from the CLI without also terminating the session in the web UI
What happened: It is not currently possible to exit a shared session from the CLI without the session also being closed for the web user.
(this isn't a problem from the web side because clicking the red X at the top left will leave the session and leave the CLI connected, but there is no CLI equivalent of this command)
What you expected to happen: There should be a key combination or other supported method to disconnect a session from the CLI while leaving the web session connected.
Things that don't work:
Things that do work:
binary on the clientHow to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
tsh ssh node
teleport version
tsh version