What would you like Teleport to do?
Elasticsearch Cloud is not currently supported by our Teleport as an Identity Provider solution.
What problem does this solve?
Allow customers to add Elasticsearch Cloud resource to their Teleport Cluster. Users would be able to have centralized access to this application with all the benefits offered by Teleport. RBAC, access request, event logging, session recording.
If a workaround exists, please include it.
Use Teleport as a bastion. Add a Windows Desktop resource to the teleport Cluster to serve as a jump host to the Elastic cloud instance. Users would use Desktop Access to gain access to that VM and perform API queries. Desktop access allows you to share files in and out of the Machine. Audit event records allow you to track which users have logged into the resources. Sessions are recorded and access is controlled by RBAC.
What would you like Teleport to do? Elasticsearch Cloud is not currently supported by our Teleport as an Identity Provider solution.
What problem does this solve? Allow customers to add Elasticsearch Cloud resource to their Teleport Cluster. Users would be able to have centralized access to this application with all the benefits offered by Teleport. RBAC, access request, event logging, session recording.
If a workaround exists, please include it. Use Teleport as a bastion. Add a Windows Desktop resource to the teleport Cluster to serve as a jump host to the Elastic cloud instance. Users would use Desktop Access to gain access to that VM and perform API queries. Desktop access allows you to share files in and out of the Machine. Audit event records allow you to track which users have logged into the resources. Sessions are recorded and access is controlled by RBAC.