// Locks is a dynamodb table used as a distributed lock
// to make sure there is only one auth server doing
// letsencrypt certificate renewal, this is not critical for teleport
// and is purely for demonstration purposes
This comment implies that the locks table isn't necessary and could be removed. So, I did! π But the teleport-lock script still expects that table to be available by default. The comment about this table being "for demonstration purposes only" is inaccurate as the application seemingly will not start without it. I have re-added the locks.tf code and I'm going to create the locks table now, so hopefully that resolves the issue. π€
[root@ip-10-251-0-157 ec2-user]# journalctl | grep teleport | less
May 07 21:00:01 ip-10-251-0-157.us-west-2.compute.internal teleport-lock[18938]: ++ TELEPORT_INFLUXDB_ADDRESS=http://engops-teleport-monitor-de7d2268cd711c5e.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:80[root@ip-10-251-0-157 ec2-user]# aws dynamodb put-item --region us-west-2 --table-name --item '{"Lock": {"S": "/auth/servers"}, "Expires":
> {"S": "1620352734"}, "Process": {"S": "ip-10-251-0-157.us-west-2.compute.internal"}}' '--condition-expression=(attribute_not_exists(Expires) OR Expires <= :timestamp) OR Process = :process
> ' --expression-attribute-values '{":timestamp":{"S":"1620349074"}, ":process":{"S":"ip-10-251-0-157.us-west-2.compute.internal"}}'
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aws: error: argument --table-name: expected one argument
This comment implies that the locks table isn't necessary and could be removed. So, I did! π But the
script still expects that table to be available by default. The comment about this table being "for demonstration purposes only" is inaccurate as the application seemingly will not start without it. I have re-added thelocks.tf
code and I'm going to create the locks table now, so hopefully that resolves the issue. π€