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[cicd] Gravitee Managent Web UI Maven License Plugin Configuration #5263

Closed Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle closed 2 years ago

Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle commented 3 years ago

For , the "Nexus Staging" Process is a maven build, and it fails because some files, if not all, in the node/ folder do not have the license header expected by the maven license plugin configuration.

Expected Behavior

While running the "Nexus staging" Process in the new CICD, the maven build should not fail becasue of missing headers in files located in the node folder.

Current Behavior

The Nexus Staging fails because of the above descirbed issue

Possible Solution

I have fixed the issue on git branch 3.5.x, by adding the ccc exclude filter in the pom.xml, see here.

This exclude filter should be added on all git branch, at least on support branch for versions higher than 3.6.0 : so at least on 3.6.x branch.

I believe it would not hurt anything, to add this exclude filter on all git branches.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

export CCI_TOKEN=<you circle ci token>
export ORG_NAME="gravitee-io"
export REPO_NAME="gravitee-gateway"
export BRANCH="3.5.x"
export GIO_RELEASE_VERSION="3.5.8"
export JSON_PAYLOAD="{

    \"branch\": \"${BRANCH}\",

        \"gio_action\": \"nexus_staging\",
        \"secrethub_org\": \"graviteeio\",
        \"secrethub_repo\": \"cicd\",
        \"s3_bucket_name\": \"prepared-nexus-staging-gravitee-apim-3_5_8\",
        \"maven_profile_id\": \"gravitee-release\"


curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Circle-Token: ${CCI_TOKEN}" | jq .
curl -X POST -d "${JSON_PAYLOAD}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Circle-Token: ${CCI_TOKEN}"${ORG_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/pipeline | jq .


Your Environment

gaetanmaisse commented 2 years ago

Close as outdated.