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Allow to tune http client pool in gravitee AM #9524

Open cboitel opened 7 months ago

cboitel commented 7 months ago

🌈 Feature

As a administrator

I want to be able to configure client http pool used to external providers

So that i can adjust it to the load

πŸŒ„ Additional information

Current implementation hard-codes http client to 10 connections as in

When users are managed in an external OIDC provider, gio am has to contact that provider during code generation/exchanges. Limiting to 10 connections means gio am has to reopen/closed connections when load exceeds the 10 kept connections in the pool: a performance penalty is observed both on gio and targeted provider (due to connections being constantly closed/reopened).

Other pool parameters would probably benefit in such scenarios such allowing to enable/tune HTTP/2 settings or enabling ALPN to autodetect HTTP/2 support which would allow to send multiple requests over a single connection.

In a stress case I have, we exceed the 10 connection pool limit whenever we reach 45 authentications/s per instance. As a consequence, this greatly limit gateway capacity to absorb the load. My test involves testing product up to 1500 authentifications/s so that would require more than 32 instances of gateway component to support that load with optimal response time.

βœ… Acceptance criteria


β˜‘οΈ Developer sub-tasks


cboitel commented 6 months ago

Additional informations:

  1. one can tune pool size inside identity provider "maxPoolSize" setting
  2. unfortunately, it is not possible to tune keepalivetimeout
    • AM gateway will use HTTP/1 even if targeted identity provider supports HTTP/2 and advertizes it via alpn
    • without being able to tune keepalivetimeout for http/1.1, default vertx value is used which is 60s and pool is used using lifo strategy
  3. I sometime get HttpClosedConnectionException during a load test :
    • i believe this is a bug of vertx client (gravitee gets a connection but in the background vertx will close it considering it was expired)
    • not being able to tune identity provider pool/http settings leaves me with no way to workaround these errors