gravitl / netmaker

Netmaker makes networks with WireGuard. Netmaker automates fast, secure, and distributed virtual networks.
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[Bug]: test from netmaker #2993

Closed theguy951357 closed 2 days ago

theguy951357 commented 2 days ago

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What happened?

A bug happened! testing 1,2



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Zobel's five points

*       Abstract 
*       An abstract is typically a single paragraph of about 50–200 words. The function of an abstract is
*       to allow readers to judge whether or not the paper is of relevance to them. It should therefore be
*       a concise summary of the paper’s aims, scope, and conclusions. There is no space for
*       unnecessary text; an abstract should be kept to as few words as possible while remaining clear
*       and informative. Irrelevancies, such as minor details or a description of the structure of the
*       paper, are usually inappropriate, as are acronyms, mathematics, abbreviations, or citations. Only
*       in rare circumstances should an abstract cite another paper (for example, when one paper
*       consists entirely of analysis of results in another), in which case the reference should be given in
*       full, not as a citation to the bibliography. Sentences such as “We review relevant literature” should
*       be omitted. 
*       Many abstracts follow a five-element organization:
*       1. 
*       A general statement introducing the broad research area of the particular topic being
*       investigated. 
*       2. 
*       An explanation of the specific problem (difficulty, obstacle, challenge) to be solved. 
*       3. 
*       A review of existing or standard solutions to this problem and their limitations. 
*       4. 
*       An outline of the proposed new solution. 
*       5. 
*       A summary of how the solution was evaluated and what the outcomes of the evaluation were. 
*       Thus a draft of an abstract can consist of five sentences, one for each of the points above.
*       Introductions should be structured in much the same way, but with a paragraph or two, not a
*       sentence, for each component. A valuable exercise is to read other papers, analyze their
*       abstracts and introductions to see if they have this form, and then decide whether they are
*       effective. 

*       [
6:18 PM]

The more specific an abstract is, the more interesting it is likely to be. Instead of writing “space
*       requirements can be significantly reduced”, for example, write “space requirements can be
*       reduced by 60 %”. Instead of writing “we have a new inversion algorithm”, write “we have a new
*       inversion algorithm, based on move-to-front lists”. 
*       Many scientists browse research papers outside their area of expertise. You should notassume that all likely readers will be specialists in the topic of the paper—abstracts should be
*       self-contained and written for as broad a readership as possible. 

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