gravityblast / web-app-theme

A simple theme for web apps
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Access denied Issue #22

Closed coxaqui closed 13 years ago

coxaqui commented 13 years ago

I am deploying on Heroku with the error bellow. I think this issue is indeed with this gem. All I need to do is remove the line listed bellow to correct the error but then of course I loose the styling. I have played around with my file permissions as well to try to fix this with no success. Error only surfaces on production on Development it work(s)(ed) fine.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- ActionView::Template::Error (Permission denied - /disk1/home/slugs/f9f05ea5-2ab1-4918-b8ac-7459be7b393a/mnt/public/stylesheets/.permissions_check.23704990378300.17008.888917): 2: 3: 4: Good Looking 5: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "web-app-theme/base", "web-app-theme/themes/drastic-dark/style", "web-app-theme/override", :cache => true %> 6: <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults, :cache => true %> 7: <%= csrf_meta_tag %> 8: app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:5:in _app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__477706425_23705034614360_0' app/controllers/tests_controller.rb:7:inindex'

coxaqui commented 13 years ago

I just noticed that a a few minutes after the post. I really should have caught that earlier. Thanks.