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Render railways tagged service=crossover as other service=* railways #1971

Closed Edward17 closed 8 years ago

Edward17 commented 8 years ago


Please add rendering of lines with tags railway=rail + service=crossover as other lines **railway=rail + service=* (for example, railway=rail + service=spur**).

service=crossover are renderd now as on the screenshot below (small tracks between main tracks) (This object in OSM): bad But should be rendered so (This object in OSM): good


HolgerJeromin commented 8 years ago

I had the same feeling at first. But the crossover is part of the main route. The philosophy is that a train with passangers never use gray rails. The only use could be to find missing service=crossover fast but IMO the normal rendering is right

Edward17 commented 8 years ago

@HolgerJeromin what about service=crossover between two gray rails? For example:

HolgerJeromin commented 8 years ago

Good point. This looks not right: github

Edward17 commented 8 years ago

@HolgerJeromin Thanks :)

Is it possible with software used for rendering of Standart layer tiles to distiguish service=crossover rails which have minimum one connected non-service rail from crossovers which are connectod only to service-rails?

If yes, hovewer this logic have to be implemented. If no or if this implementation is too hard, it's eisier to render all service=crossover as gray rails.

Edward17 commented 8 years ago

Sorry, bur here:

rails which have minimum one connected non-service rail

have to be "rails which are connected with minimum two non-service rail", because black rail between one service=* and one non-service=* rails looks also not right. Example:

pnorman commented 8 years ago

Is it possible with software used for rendering of Standart layer tiles to distiguish service=crossover rails which have minimum one connected non-service rail from crossovers which are connectod only to service-rails?

The rendering DB has no topology, so there is no notion of connected. It's not reasonable to make the rendering of one railway line depend on others nearby.

Edward17 commented 8 years ago

Well, I propose to render just all railway=rail + service=crossover as gray rails (as described in issue text).

jengelh commented 8 years ago

If both rails are, for example, service=yard, then would it not make sufficient sense to also tag crossovers as yard? Arguably, in a yard, it's all the same anyway.

pnorman commented 8 years ago

If both rails are, for example, service=yard, then would it not make sufficient sense to also tag crossovers as yard? Arguably, in a yard, it's all the same anyway.

It doesn't matter for us, since this is proposing to render them the same.

HolgerJeromin commented 8 years ago

i think jengelh suggested that crossover in a field of yards is a tagging error, so no change in the rendering is needed.

Edward17 commented 8 years ago

If both rails are, for example, service=yard, then would it not make sufficient sense to also tag crossovers as yard? Arguably, in a yard, it's all the same anyway.

I posted a question in OpenRailwayMap Mailing list: (available in German and English)

pnorman commented 8 years ago

i think jengelh suggested that crossover in a field of yards is a tagging error, so no change in the rendering is needed.

Sure, it might be a tagging error, or it might not. Either way, it doesn't change anything for us, since they'd be rendered the same with what is being proposed.

Nakaner commented 8 years ago

HolgerJeromin wrote:

But the crossover is part of the main route. The philosophy is that a train with passangers never use gray rails.

That's not correct. Please have a look at the wiki pages of usage=* and service=*.

A passenger train often uses tracks which have a service=siding and no usage=*, e.g. if it is being overtaken by a faster train, waiting at a station on a single-track line or if the station only has platforms at its siding tracks (e.g. on high-speed railway lines).

I think that the examples provided by Eduard are tagged wrong. See my posting at OpenRailwayMap mailing list.

I like the current rendering of tracks with service=* with a gray colour. I don't think that crossover tracks need to be rendered in gray, too. It would be just a QA feature for railway mappers to spot all those tracks which should have a service=* tag but do not have it. That's why I leave the decision to render these crossover tracks gray to the developers and their decision if OSM Carto is more a QA tool or an end user map. :-)

Edward17 commented 8 years ago

@Nakaner thanks for answer. I will set for my examples right tags, as described in OpenRailwayMap mailing list.

So, we don't need a rendering of railway=rail + service=crossover as gray rails. I close this issue.

offtopic @Nakaner I cannot answer on your message in mailing list because of I forgot to subscribe. So I say to you here: thanks and agree to your tagging examples.

jeisenbe commented 5 years ago

FYI, the OSM wiki page for service=crossover does not make it clear that this tag isn't used in yards or on spurs. Could someone please check the wiki page and current usage to see if the description needs to be updated?