gravitystorm / openstreetmap-carto

A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS
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Render amenity=training #4258

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

A tag that shows up in other apps, not in this one

imagico commented 3 years ago

Undocumented tag, seemingly overlapping with a lot of better established tags

ghost commented 3 years ago

Etiqueta sin documentar, aparentemente superpuesta con muchas etiquetas mejor establecidas

Which tags are best for a study academy/center?ç

eg: training=computer, training=aviation, training=public_examination, training=private_classes???

lectrician1 commented 3 years ago

I think there should be come consideration if training should even be a tag. Yes, it would be nice if rendered, but I wouldn't want mappers mapping it without other considerations being made first.

Most specifically, training is a form of education. Values for training=* have conflicts with other education values. These conflicts need to be sorted out now (proposed) before ever suggesting someone to map a training=* feature. For example, the complexities of the education proposal:

This concern was noted in my vote (the first one) for the recent proposal for training=bicycle, the only training=* value that has been proposed and accepted:

imagico commented 3 years ago

This is not the place for tagging questions and discussions - that should be on the tagging mailing list, your local community channels or the wiki.

jeisenbe commented 3 years ago

The tag amenity=training does not have a wiki page. It was mentioned in a proposal and has been used a little over 2000 times: - but only about 100 features per year are being added by mappers:

The proposal for this tag ( suggest it could have a broad defintion of "All public places where you can be trained should be tagged as amenity=training, e.g. driving school, dance school etc.” - the following list also mentions art, language, music, etc.

However, driving schools are usually tagged amenity=driving_school - used >20,000 times

There is leisure=dance (>6000) and amenity=dancing_school - >400 times.

There are 3000 amenity=language_school features.

>4000 amenity=music_school

So amenity=training is not very common compared to the more specific tags. I believe this tag is not well established or defined, therefore I do not think we should render it. We could consider rendering some of the more specific tags - we already render amenity=driving_school so could consider adding amenity=language_school, amenity=music_school, etc.

See #3211 - however the addition of driving_school was not much discussed.

jeisenbe commented 3 years ago

Other similar tags which are more common:

We could consider a simple rendering for all of these, perhaps, along with adjusting the rendering of amenity=driving school (#4064)