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amenity=music_school not rendered #4411

Open MarcMart opened 3 years ago

MarcMart commented 3 years ago

Expected behavior

Music schools are a very common amenity world wide which I believe justifies renderization with a proper icon or at least the standard dot.

Actual behavior

At this moment there is no icon, not even a dot. Only in case the address is added to the POI the house number is shown

Links and screenshots illustrating the problem

Example of music school in JOSM image

Rendering in standard Carto on image

Thanks for taking a look at this!

Discostu36 commented 3 years ago

I agree. The tag is well established with over 5,000 uses worldwide and documented on the wiki.

polarbearing commented 3 years ago

We currently render driving schools with a purple shop dot and a label. Maybe we could add the music school to this approach, until we find a nicer solution.

MarcMart commented 3 years ago

I agree. Could we also include amenity=language_school? I see the same happens here. Purple dot and label should be the minimum until we find a suitable icon. This is the first time I open an issue here. What is the process for the creation/acceptance(implementation of an icon?

HolgerJeromin commented 3 years ago

Someone has to create an icon (guidelines) and someone has to do the "coding" and testing. Best done after an general OK to the idea from an maintainer to not waste time.

MarcMart commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. How can a general ok to the idea from maintainer be achieved?

imagico commented 3 years ago

There does not seem to be a well established practice in tagging of music schools in OSM at the moment. In particular traditional conservatories (conservatorio in Italian) are predominantly not mapped with this tag. There seem to be many mappers who prefer to tag this as a subtype of amenity=school/college/university rather than a separate thematic class of amenity which engrosses anything from a single person business providing guitar lessons to a university level music academy.

polarbearing commented 3 years ago

@imagico - not clear to me what you mean. amenity=music_school cannot be used as a subtag of amenity=school/college/university simply because they collide on the key. Note that the wiki explicitly declares to use: "amenity=college - for an institute of Further Education which offers a certification or diploma in music". The perspective that this style should only render tags that are used with 100% consistency blocks a couple of requests already, and is impossible to achieve.

MarcMart commented 3 years ago

I am very much in favor of consistent tagging. As Discostu36 has pointed out amenity=music_school has a wiki entry and is being used world wide over 5000 times - actually when searching taginfo for "music" alone it is second on the list, right after shop=music. What would the alternative tagging with amenity=college/university etc look like?

imagico commented 3 years ago

@polarbearing - you have to be more specific with what you don't understand.

For generally better understanding. We here in OSM-Carto look primarily at the actual use of tags in the OSM database. The documentation on the wiki is only of interest for us as far as it accurately describes this use. In this case i looked at the tagging of conservatories in different parts of Europe and none of them was tagged amenity=music_school.

If mappers change this and decide on unified tagging for - as mentioned - anything from a single person business providing guitar lessons to a university level music academy that would change things. Just as it would if a consensus develops to delineate amenity=music_school towards music schools that are tagged amenity=school/college/university - like the mentioned conservatories. But at the moment the only thing that seems clear is that there is no consensus on tagging in this domain.