gravitystorm / openstreetmap-carto

A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS
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Add rendering for leisure=sports_hall #4733

Open coolultra1 opened 1 year ago

coolultra1 commented 1 year ago

With 18,5K usages, leisure=sports_hall, is way more common than some other leisure= tags being rendered. I truly see no reason to not at least render this the same as leisure=sports_centre.

imagico commented 1 year ago

This unfortunately suffers from rather poor documentation - the distinction between leisure=sports_hall and leisure=sports_centre is on the wiki tied to some vague and language specific centre character idea.

Because of that i would consider it advisable not to render it as a synonym for leisure=sports_centre and thereby add to the confusion but as a rendering variant of buildings (>90 percent of leisure=sports_hall have a building tag). This could be combined with a solution for #844, i.e. render both leisure=pitch and leisure=sports_hall with a sport specific design when tagged accordingly (nearly 50 percent of leisure=sports_hall have a sport=* tag).