gravitystorm / openstreetmap-carto

A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS
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Unsandy desert rendering #4929

Closed Volodimir50 closed 5 months ago

Volodimir50 commented 5 months ago

Good day. Is it possible to make natural=desert render in color on the main map and not only on humanitarian? Deserts are not only sandy. It is a mistake to think that the desert is sand. I am now drawing the territory of Kazakhstan, there are deserts, but not from sand. There will be many such objects and I would like to see them in color. For example, on the humanitarian layer, it is perfectly visible. Add color rendering to the base layer as well. Why are you closing my appeal, we haven't discussed it yet. I can't read the previous ones. Moreover, if such a question has already been addressed several times, it means that it is really relevant.

HolgerJeromin commented 5 months ago

ref closed #4928 from one hour ago...

Why are you closing my appeal, we haven't discussed it yet.

imagico said in your issue: Any arguments for re-considering should be brought up in #4488.

I can't read the previous ones.

Why not?

Moreover, if such a question has already been addressed several times, it means that it is really relevant.

We have main goals which are more important than the count of issues which are raised..

Volodimir50 commented 5 months ago

image it is a desert, but it is not sandy

Volodimir50 commented 5 months ago

image it is a desert, but it is not sandy it occupies a large area

Volodimir50 commented 5 months ago


there are many such deserts here

Volodimir50 commented 5 months ago

So why not make a color rendering for such deserts, as in the humanitarian layer

Volodimir50 commented 5 months ago

I can't read the previous ones because I don't know English and I work exclusively with a translator

imagico commented 5 months ago

Any arguments regarding the rendering of natural=desert should go to #4488. We like to not spread the discussion on a matter across many different issues opened over time so please refrain from opening new issues on this subject.

I suggest you read the previous discussion there and add any relevant new considerations you have that have not been discussed so far. The diversity of desert environment has, however, already been discussed quite in depth in that issue.

Anyway - what you seem to be having here is a mapping problem rather than a rendering problem (there are currently four natural=desert polygons in Kazakhstan - three of which cover completely different geographic settings). I suggest to discuss what concrete aspect of the local geography you like to map (like vegetation, non-vegetation surface material, landforms or other) and what is the best tagging to do so with you local community. And whatever it is you like to map - reusing the old tagging natural=desert with all of its largely dysfunctional history is likely not a good idea.

As mentioned in #4488 we would look favorably on any new, well defined and consistently used tagging concepts for mapping aspects of arid regions.

I can't read the previous ones because I don't know English and I work exclusively with a translator

I can't imagine what prevents you from translating other issues when you seem to be able to translate comments here. In any case - being able to read, possibly through translation, previous comments made by others, is a necessity to participate in discussion here. You are welcome to comment in your own language if that makes it easier to express yourself, but you have to be able to read what others write across different issues.