gravitystorm / openstreetmap-carto

A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS
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Please scale ditches depending on zoom level #4963

Closed BertMule closed 1 month ago

BertMule commented 2 months ago

Ditch is a convenient way to quickly model, by just drawing a line. I even wish I had discovered it earlier. In reality the modelled water may vary in width from 1 to several meters, which of course is not taken into account.

But they seem to always be rendered the same way, independent of scale. That looks a bit awkward. It is desirable that would they also scale up a bit in width.

Here's an example. Compare rendering at various zoom levels and the underlying reality in edit.

imagico commented 1 month ago

Please specify what exactly you want rendered based on what tagging. In the linked to map area there does not seem to be a waterway=ditch with a width tag - hence no data that allows us to conclude the actual width of the feature in question. Related to #3354.

Closing as this is not actionable as is. If you want to suggest ground unit rendering of waterway=ditch based on width tagging please re-formulate the issue accordingly. But note that ground unit rendering in general was rejected in #1290 so weighty arguments would be needed to re-visit that decision.

BertMule commented 1 month ago

I was not aware of a width property for ditches, which is not standard. And as far as I understand, it wouldn't be used anyway.

It would make sense to take that into account.

It was not what I meant. My idea was to make an assumption about width, say 2 meters, and scale accordingly.

The same thing applies to canals. I noted those being used as wider 'ditches'. Trying that myself, I wasn't satisfied, for the same reason as with ditches, not scaling in a usable way.

So coming back at the width-property. That would be the most deterministic way. Apart from drawing areas for every ditch or canal, which is a lot more work I want to avoid.