gravitystorm / openstreetmap-carto

A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS
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Open tasks regarding move to osm2pgsql flex backend and new major release #5027

Open imagico opened 4 hours ago

imagico commented 4 hours ago

There are a number of things that should be looked up after merging #4978. Since we are going to require deployments to re-import their rendering database it is a good idea to look at a number of things that can only be changed with a re-import of the data. These should best be done before the next release. Others are more long term strategic changes that are facilitated by the flex backend. For those it is more important to thoroughly consider and plan them rather than to rush to have them in this release.

joto commented 2 hours ago

Just a quick note: A reimport is not strictly necessary for the changes in #4978. The database is compatible enough that you can keep updating an old database. That being said, occasional reimports are useful anyway due to database bloat.

And at some point a reimport has to be done, because of other changes in osm2pgsql. Since osm2pgsql 2.0.0 the old middle database format (and some other stuff) is not supported any more. For details see the osm2pgsql release notes and docs.

imagico commented 1 hour ago

Yes, i should probably have explained that more explicitly. As per our README we do a new major release based on:

Any change the requires reloading a database, or upgrading software dependencies will trigger a major version change

If we decide to not have any database structure changes beyond #4978 we can mention in our release notes that a database reload is not strictly required. I would assume that most users of the style will do a reload anyway though - hence it is a good opportunity to do some adjustments we'd want to do anyway.