graycatlabs / PyBBIO

A Python library for Arduino-style hardware IO support on the Beaglebone
MIT License
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Questions about Contributions #107

Open MatthewWest opened 7 years ago

MatthewWest commented 7 years ago

Before contributing I wanted to find out a few details:

alexanderhiam commented 7 years ago

Contributions are certainly welcome, and considering I've been so busy that I'm just now getting around to responding to this issue, contributions would be extra appreciated at the moment!

I'm targeting 2.7, and I plan to continue unless someone has a very compelling reason to switch to 3+.

I'm not against changes to make PyBBIO PEP8 compliant, it seems like a lot of people would prefer that. But since they'd be big changes touching most lines of code (I much prefer 2 spaces / tab), I'd probably want to see per file commits, and maybe even per change per file (e.g. a commit for PEP8 whitespace compliance in That way merging would be pretty painless.