graylog-labs / gelf-rb

Ruby GELF library (Graylog Extended Log Format)
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GELF::Logger#add is not compatible to Ruby's Logger#add #26

Closed mrnugget closed 9 years ago

mrnugget commented 9 years ago

It seems like GELF::Logger#add offers a slightly different interface than Ruby’s standard Logger. This can lead to the wrong messages being sent to server.

With a small puts statement in GELF::LoggerCompatability#add, just before the call to notify_with_level, we can see that if we use GELF::Logger.add like a Ruby Logger the message gets lost and used as facility instead, which will send an error silently in the background.

>> logger =
#=> #<Logger:0x007fc28ab06900 @progname=nil, @level=0, @default_formatter=#<Logger::Formatter:0x007fc28ab068d8 @datetime_format=nil>, @formatter=nil, @logdev=#<Logger::LogDevice:0x007fc28ab06720 @shift_size=nil, @shift_age=nil, @filename=nil, @dev=#<IO:<STDOUT>>, @mutex=#<Logger::LogDevice::LogDeviceMutex:0x007fc28ab066a8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x007fc28ab06608>>>>
>> logger.add(1, nil, 'foobar')
I, [2014-12-16T15:38:14.130554 #11601]  INFO -- : foobar
#=> true
>> Graylog.logger.add(1, nil, 'foobar')
DEBUG PUTS notify_with_level. level=1, hash={"short_message"=>nil, "facility"=>"foobar"}

Using GELF::Logger#info, #debug and so on works of course, as does GELF::Logger#add if we use “its” interface.

The problems arise if we try to use GELF::Logger like a standard Ruby logger with a standard #add method. Rails 4 for example, offers to extend the standard file logger with another logger by doing this:

my_logger ="localhost", 12201, "WAN", { :facility => "appname" })

(this seems to be the canonical way of having multiple loggers now — Rails uses this internally and in its scripts)

What Rails does here is it extends Rails.logger so whenever Rails.logger.add is called, it also calls #add on my_logger. It does not use the #info, #debug and other helper methods of my_logger. It uses #add and this leads to the problem from above:

DEBUG PUTS notify_with_level. level=1, hash={"short_message"=>nil, "facility"=>"foobar"}
=> true
>> Rails.logger.add(1, nil, 'foobar')
DEBUG PUTS notify_with_level. level=1, hash={"short_message"=>nil, "facility"=>"foobar"}
=> true

As you can see, the message foobar gets lost again. The GELF::Logger on the other hand still works (if used directly):

DEBUG PUTS notify_with_level. level=1, hash={"short_message"=>"foobar", "facility"=>"appname"}

But besides Rails’ this is also the way Ruby’s Logger uses the add method:

The GELF::Logger on the other hand just passes on *args, which is going to result in different outcomes.

My proposal would be to change the signature of GELF::Logger#add from this one

def add(level, *args)

to this one:

def add(level, message = nil, progname = nil, &block)

I’d also change the helper methods (#info, #warn, #error, …) to work just like Ruby’s Logger methods (see GitHub link above).

In itself GELF::Logger works fine. That’s also why it’s hard to write a failing test for this: the assertions are consistent throughout. But they are not compatibel to Ruby’s Logger.

This test for example (test/test_logger.rb:18):

      should "implement add method with level and message from parameters, facility from defaults" do
        @logger.expects(:notify_with_level!).with do |level, hash|
          level == GELF::INFO &&
          hash['short_message'] == 'Message' &&
          hash['facility'] == 'gelf-rb'
        @logger.add(GELF::INFO, 'Message')

It works and is fine. But: Ruby’s Logger never calls #add like this. In this case it would call #add like this:

@logger.add(GELF::INFO, nil, “Message”)

If I change the call to #add in the test to look like this it breaks.

I thought I’d open an issue here before hacking around the code and then get told that you’d want to keep the interface. So, what do you think about this?

mrnugget commented 9 years ago

So, I couldn't resist and whipped up a patch:

If you want me to open up a PR, just tell me! Otherwise, I'd be happy to hear what you think about this issue.

joschi commented 9 years ago

Nope, looks good. And there are even tests. :heart:

Feel free to open a pull-request for this.

mrnugget commented 9 years ago

Yes, I changed the assertions of the old tests and made the tests for the helper methods more restrictive: instead of checking what #add receives, they check that the message arrives in the correct way at the Notifier now.

mrnugget commented 9 years ago

Opened up the PR. I think we can move the discussion to #27 now.

mrnugget commented 9 years ago

I think this issue can be closed now that #27 has been merged.