graylog-labs / graylog2-puppet

[DEPRECATED] Puppet module to install and manage a Graylog 1.x system.
MIT License
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Invalid parameter java_opts on Class[Graylog2::Web] #31

Closed nomoresecrets closed 9 years ago

nomoresecrets commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to set this parameter (enabling https) within my puppet manifest but it keeps telling me "invalid parameter" :(

any suggestions?

my manifest looks like this

class { '::graylog2::web':
timezone           => 'Europe/Berlin',
application_secret => 'secret',
java_opts          => '-Dhttps.port=9443 -Dhttps.keyStore=/etc/graylog/web/my.keystore 
-Dhttps.keyStorePassword=password -Dhttp.port=disabled',
joschi commented 9 years ago

@nomoresecrets Please post the complete and unabridged version of the error message you get from Puppet.

nomoresecrets commented 9 years ago
root@graylog ~ # puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid parameter java_opts on Class[Graylog2::Web] at /etc/puppet/manifests/graylog.pp:121 on node graylog
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
joschi commented 9 years ago

@nomoresecrets Which version of the Puppet module are you using? The java_opts parameter has been added in July 2015 and does not exist in any released version yet.

nomoresecrets commented 9 years ago

├── graylog2-graylog2 (v1.1.1)

I've already reinstalled the module, too.

joschi commented 9 years ago

As I said, the Puppet module hasn't been released in a version that contains this parameter. You will have to use the master branch of this module or wait for the next release.

I'm closing this issue since it's not a bug or a feature request.