graylog-labs / graylog2-web-interface

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Probleme deleting Streams, Users #1514

Closed mindenchanter closed 9 years ago

mindenchanter commented 9 years ago

When I try to delete Stream or user I see an error message of this type and no more.

Could not delete Stream Rule Deleting Stream Rule failed with status:


In grayserver log I didn't find anyhink about this error. It is a bug or I do something wrong?

mindenchanter commented 9 years ago

Supplementary I check application.log and no error messages. And I cannot delete Notification too. But I can create and delete dashboard.

edmundoa commented 9 years ago


It's really hard to know the cause of this without any more information. Could you please share any log messages from the Graylog server or web interface that appear while you delete the stream rule? It would also be really helpful if you keep your browser's developer tools open while trying to delete the stream rule and share any errors you may see.

edmundoa commented 9 years ago

Hi @mindenchanter,

Any updates on this?

edmundoa commented 9 years ago

Closing the issue, as we haven't any more information. Please reopen if needed.

unamuno commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem. I can't delete anyting. There are realy no logs when this happens. Not in the graylog-server.log, ../web/application.log, ../web/console.log, mongod.log.

I tried to delete a user manualy from the mongodb, but it still remains in the Web GUI even after restarting the service.

Are there any other ways to get more information?

unamuno commented 8 years ago

I found an error in the debug console of my browser: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4 DELETE https://$HOST$/a/dashboards/569f6518e4b0e5b7a620e22c net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSEk.cors.a.crossDomain.send @ jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4n.extend.ajax @ jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4e.remove @ app.6522837….js:28a.default.createClass._onDashboardDelete @ app.6522837….js:438(anonymous function) @ app.6522837….js:22o.default.createClass.handleClick @ app.6522837….js:436s @ app.6522837….js:30M.executeDispatch @ app.6522837….js:446o @ app.6522837….js:30u @ app.6522837….js:30d @ app.6522837….js:28n @ app.6522837….js:30p.processEventQueue @ app.6522837….js:28r @ app.6522837….js:446a.handleTopLevel @ app.6522837….js:446a @ app.6522837….js:446i.perform @ app.6522837….js:29f.batchedUpdates @ app.6522837….js:445a @ app.6522837….js:21g.dispatchEvent @ app.6522837….js:446