graylog-labs / graylog2-web-interface

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Cannot search for messages including a forward slash #1706

Closed jontaa closed 8 years ago

jontaa commented 8 years ago

We have setup the graylog with the vmware OVA file, running graylog 1.2.2 currently To this graylog we are sending syslog from switches and firewalls. I am now trying to find out what happened to a specific port on a cisco switch a while back.

Lets do this in steps to see what happens:

First I change to search in the last 14 days, and enter query: gl2_remote_ip:

No problem here. I now get only log messages from the specific switch. Great! Ok now lets filter down to all logs which has to do with port GigabitEthernet1/0/6 I know that the field is called "message"

gl2_remote_ip: message:"GigabitEthernet1/0/6"

Ok now I still get only messages from this switch, however I get hits on messages such as: "%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet3/0/42, changed state to up" image

Not really what I searched for. Ok maybe I need to escape the forward slashes? gl2_remote_ip: message:"GigabitEthernet1\/0\/6" Ok, so still getting hits on %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet3/0/42, changed state to up image

Ok so lets try withouth the quotes? Lets try withouth escaping the slashes first gl2_remote_ip: message:GigabitEthernet1/0/6 Now I get hits from totally different devices, which doesnt match gl2_remote_ip: image

Ok lets try withouth the quotes by escapin the slashes gl2_remote_ip: message:GigabitEthernet1\/0\/6

Nope, still finding things from different machines image

Ok I am going mad here : )

  1. What should I write to get a hit on a log message that looks like: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6, changed state to up
  2. Why do I get hits that are not from IP when I dont have quotes around the message bit? Why would it ignore the first part of the query which is gl2_remote_ip: ?
jontaa commented 8 years ago

Also I now tried using regexp with ? instead of slashes Still does not match correctly gl2_remote_ip: message:"GigabitEthernet1?0?6" image

jontaa commented 8 years ago

Actually, now it won't mach correctly at all Searching for gl2_remote_ip: message:GigabitEthernet1

Matches %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/4, changed state to up


edmundoa commented 8 years ago


I think all you were missing at the beginning is an AND between both conditions. From our documentation:

By default all terms or phrases are OR connected so all messages that have at least one hit are returned.

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