grbl / grbl

An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
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How do I use variable spindle speed when Z axis limit switch is in use? #1875

Open Jandre3d opened 1 month ago

Jandre3d commented 1 month ago

Hey all

I recently finished my cnc, but I want to connect my spindle to the setup now (im turning it on manually now) I have a relay, but i dont know how to connect since i disabled it to use a Z axis limit switch Im using grbl 1.1h, I disabled variable spindle speed in the code

breiler commented 1 month ago

What hardware do you have?

I am guessing that you bought a hardware suited for GRBL 0.9 and are now trying to use GRBL 1.1 which has a new pin mapping?

See the documentation for GRBL 1.1 here:

And GRBL 0.9 here:

Jandre3d commented 1 month ago

I am using a arduino uno wirh a cnc shield v3

breiler commented 1 month ago

So you disabled this?

 // Enables variable spindle output voltage for different RPM values. On the Arduino Uno, the spindle
// enable pin will output 5V for maximum RPM with 256 intermediate levels and 0V when disabled.
// NOTE: IMPORTANT for Arduino Unos! When enabled, the Z-limit pin D11 and spindle enable pin D12 switch!
// The hardware PWM output on pin D11 is required for variable spindle output voltages.
#define VARIABLE_SPINDLE // Default enabled. Comment to disable.

Then the spindle on/off will be available on PIN 12. It seems impossible to find a proper wiring diagram of the shield, the best one I found was here:

You could contact the seller of the hardware for support.

Jandre3d commented 1 month ago

Ohh that makes so much more sence now, yes I disabled that one, so to be clear, I have to turn it back on and connect my z limit switch to D12, and the + and - from my relay to D11 (z+)?

Jandre3d commented 1 month ago

Oh here is the picture im referring to, forgot to include it in the previous comment