grblHAL / ESP32

grblHAL driver for ESP32
62 stars 39 forks source link

flash firmware su mks dlc32 v.2.1 #111

Open distebia opened 3 weeks ago

distebia commented 3 weeks ago

Salve, non riesco a caricare il firmware grblhal su mks dlc32, la scheda non viene vista da lightburn la procedura è la seguente...genero il firmware con il web build per esp32 e mks. Prima di caricare il nuovo firmware ho formatto la scheda con mks esp32 download tools image successivamente carico il firmware, scaricato da web build, con la versione 3.6.5 image con questi parametri.. Alla fine lightburn non riconosce la scheda.. è da tanto che non formatto la scheda e mi sembra di ricordare che la procedura era questa...dove sbaglio?

distebia commented 3 weeks ago

Il firmware originale e FluidNC riesco a caricarlo senza problemi, la scheda funziona perfettamente. Quale sarebbe la procedura corretta?

distebia commented 2 weeks ago

quale versione (e con quali impostazioni) dovrei caricare il firmware generato da web build?

terjeio commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I can't load grblhal firmware on mks dlc32, the card is not seen by lightburn The procedure is as follows... I generate the firmware with the web build for ESP32 and MKS. Before loading the new firmware I formatted the card with mks esp32 download tools

Then I load the firmware, downloaded from Web Build, with version 3.6.5

with these parameters.. Lightburn doesn't recognize the card at the end. It's been a long time since I formatted the card and I seem to remember that the procedure was this... Where am I wrong?

The original firmware and FluidNC I can load it without any problems, the board works perfectly. What would be the correct procedure?

Which version (and with what settings) should I load the firmware generated by Web Build?

terjeio commented 2 weeks ago

Lightburn doesn't recognize the card at the end

I do not know the MKS download tool, when I erase then download with the ESP32 download tool I can connect with ioSender. I do not have a LightBurn license so cannot check that.

If you connect with a terminal program such as PuTTY what output do you get and does the controller respond to commands?

distebia commented 2 weeks ago

Eccomi, rifaccio da zero la procedura e genero il firmware (oggi) con solo LB cluster attivato.


Stavolta utilizzo soltanto lo strumento esp 3.6.5, sia per cancellare che per il flash


Spengo la scheda e riavvio

eseguo il flash con le impostazioni in foto


spengo e riaccendo

ne Lightburn ne iosender riconoscono la scheda


scarico Putty (la prima volta che lo scarico e non lo so usare) e apro la connessione seriale COM4 115200

image image

e l'unica cosa che posso fare nel terminale seriale è il comando "?" e ottengo come da foto, non accetta ad esempio $i ecc.. accetta soltanto il "?"

rieseguo la cancellazione del firmware sempre con lo strumento esp 3.6.5


spengo la scheda e riaccendo Carico il firmware che lei mi ha inviato il 6 settembre 2023 in occasione della nuova variante LB cluster


Spengo e riaccendo



Sia Lightburn che lasergrbl vedono tranquillamente la scheda

Con il firmware del 6/09/23 non riesco ad accedere ne con iosender ne con putty ma accedo con Lightburn e lasergrbl

Ecco la discussione del firmware di settembre

terjeio commented 2 weeks ago

Try shorting the feed hold pin to ground - Grbl/grblHAL does not accept any command when in Hold state (and the ESP32 sometimes fires GPIO interrupts for no good reason).

distebia commented 2 weeks ago

mks_dlc32_v21_003 questa è la mappa della mks dlc32, non so quale sia il pin feed hold da portare a terra. Inoltre devo portare il pin a gnd prima di eseguire il flash del firmware?

terjeio commented 2 weeks ago


And please translate comments to english before posting, I do not read italian.

distebia commented 2 weeks ago

image It should be the sda ​​pin to bring to gnd...but should this be done before the flash or even before erase?

distebia commented 1 week ago

I redid the erase procedure (with sda+gnd together), I switch to flash again with the jumper...Lightburn doesn't see the card, iosender 2 times out of 10, putty nothing and lasergrbl sees it this way, first marks at the top errors, does not accept the "?" but accept $$ and $i, this doesn't seem normal to me.


distebia commented 1 week ago

After the card has been seen by lasergrbl, iosender also sees it but nothing for lightburn.. I restart the card and iosender doesn't see it, Lightburn doesn't see it and neither does lasergrbl


distebia commented 1 week ago


I change the card and take another mks dlc32, exact same thing, the card remains in an uncertain state after the flash

distebia commented 1 week ago


With the new card I load the September firmware without problems

terjeio commented 1 week ago

I guess I have to buy a MKS board in order to determine what is going wrong. When I flash a dev board everything works as it should, consistently. So something must be amiss with the code when interacting with the MKS board.

If you connect with a terminal can you interact with the controller? $I gives a response? ? as well? If so, what?

With a fresh Web Builder version:


20.06.2024 17:27:38.920 Program         ------- LaserGRBL v7.7.0 [64bit] START -------
20.06.2024 17:27:39.787 OpenGL          AUTO->FBO OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 536.23, NVIDIA Corporation, NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030/PCIe/SSE2
20.06.2024 17:27:48.987 Update DB       Material DB is up to date
20.06.2024 17:27:53.301 SetStatus       Machine status [Connecting]
20.06.2024 17:27:53.306 OpenCom         Open COM5 @ 115200 baud  (UsbSerial)
20.06.2024 17:27:53.424 SendImmediate   Send Immediate Command [0x18]
20.06.2024 17:27:53.462 SetStatus       Machine status [Idle]
20.06.2024 17:27:53.968 Refresh Config  Refreshing grbl configuration [OnConnect]
20.06.2024 17:27:54.046 Refresh Config  Configuration successfully received! (Expected: 34 Found: 74)
20.06.2024 17:27:54.093 EnlargeBuffer   Buffer size changed to 1024 [True]
20.06.2024 17:28:03.163 OpenFile        Open C:\Users\terjeio\Desktop\
20.06.2024 17:28:20.940 SetStatus       Machine status [Jog]
20.06.2024 17:28:22.939 SetStatus       Machine status [Idle]
distebia commented 1 week ago

-If you connect with a terminal can you interact with the controller? $I give an answer? ?Also? So what? - The behavior of the terminal is described in the previous steps where with the new firmware only $i and no "?", sometimes nothing, but everything with error messages when opening the connection. I don't know what mks wants to have the correct flash but the one generated in September accepts it without problems Another thing... at the end of the message you attach photos of iosender 2.0.45p6 (you have the link?) and you claim to generate the firmware with a new version of Web Builder... I only find online which is 0.9g

terjeio commented 1 week ago

The behavior of the terminal is described in the previous steps

So you get "Hold" state even with the SDA pin shorted to ground when sending ??

Another thing... at the end of the message you attach photos of iosender 2.0.45p6 (you have the link?)

It is a edge version, also referenced in the sender Wiki.

I only find online which is 0.9g

0.9g is the Web Builder version itself, the generated firmware is currently 20240619:


distebia commented 1 week ago

So you get "Hold" status even with the SDA pin shorted to ground while sending? if I short the sda ​​pin to gnd nothing changes


In this image I thought I understood that you were generating the firmware with a new web build version, but I mistranslated

terjeio commented 1 week ago

I may have found the reason. SDA is connected to GPIO0 (BOOT) and the september firmware is built with an older version of the ESP-IDF framework and the two versions of the ESP32 dev boards I have behave differently - one works correctly and one not. So it may be a combination of chip revision (or board design), framework version and the use of GPIO0 that causes the issue. Or not... Anyway, I will remove feed hold support and post a build for you to try.

distebia commented 1 week ago

ok, thanks, I'll wait for the new firmware to try then.

terjeio commented 1 week ago

Here you go:

distebia commented 1 week ago


Perfect, I erased with esp 3.6.5 tool, and loaded without problems, accepts $i and ?, everything perfect.

distebia commented 1 week ago

Salve, in futuro verrà aggiunta qualche opzione su web build per generare il firmware con il problema risolto?

distebia commented 4 days ago

Hi, I saw the new build and changelog, where my problem for esp32 is mentioned. I generate the firmware but it doesn't load it, same procedure as before

terjeio commented 3 days ago

Somehow the commit did not make it through - should be ok now.