Open Deltaplc opened 2 days ago
What is your $9 setting?
0 - Enable (1)
1 - RPM controls spindle enable signal (2)
2 - Disable laser mode capability (4)
Enable controls PWM output availability.
When `RPM controls spindle enable signal` is checked and M3 or M4 is active S0 switches it off and S > 0 switches it on.
And is $32=1 (laser mode)?
HI Thanks for the reply! The current position of $9=0! I tried changing to $9=1....but it doesn't change the behavior!! $32=1 ok!
I read somewhere that the $7 command also exists!! What is this for? It doesn't appear in my $$ list! Could you tell me where I can find updated documentation on grblhal's $ commands?
If I enter $9=2... and then do $$, $9 goes back to $9=0!!! Why??
This is in my config.h file....
// Spindle settings (Group_Spindle)
/! @name $9 - Setting_SpindlePWMOptions / ///@{
I tried other settings... $9 = 3 It seems that the enable pin works like in the old grbl! I also set $16=1 Now it seems to work like with Arduino Mega grbl Is there an updated and more detailed list of GrblHal $codes? Thanks for your help!
Good morning Sorry for my translator.... I wanted to replace an Arduino Mega (grbl) with an Arduino Due SAM3X8E (grblhal) to control a laser and have more computing power! I noticed that the enable pin doesn't work like in grbl! M3 S0 = enable pin off!! But it remains active even with just M3!! Can its behavior be modified so that it is compatible with the behavior of the old grbl? I'm sorry to bother you but I can't find any documentation about it!! Thank you in advance!