grblHAL / STM32F4xx

grblHAL driver for ST STM32F4xx (Nucleo-64, Blackpill)
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GRBL for STM32F407 .For driving motor to move smoothly #145

Open mr-huang-mou opened 10 months ago

mr-huang-mou commented 10 months ago

I cannot see about Serial Init in main.c

mr-huang-mou commented 10 months ago

And how to startup IDLE Status in Candle2

terjeio commented 10 months ago

I cannot see about Serial Init in main.c

Serial port(s) are registered in Src/driver.c, if the board is not a Nucleo board then USB is the default comms channel. You can disable USB in by commenting out this line my_machine.h.

And how to startup IDLE Status in Candle2

Ensure that the controller is not starting in Alarm state?

mr-huang-mou commented 10 months ago

I cannot see about Serial Init in main.c

Serial port(s) are registered in Src/driver.c, if the board is not a Nucleo board then USB is the default comms channel. You can disable USB in by commenting out this line my_machine.h.

And how to startup IDLE Status in Candle2

Ensure that the controller is not starting in Alarm state?

(pic) Although disable this line ,I also didn't make STM32F407 chip to communicate with my host computer(Candle2)

The status is Port opened in Candle2, not Alarm state pic2

terjeio commented 10 months ago

What kind of board do you have? Your own design? It is important that the build you select matches the properties of the board, most importantly the MCU xtal frequency.

mr-huang-mou commented 10 months ago

What kind of board do you have? Your own design? It is important that the build you select matches the properties of the board, most importantly the MCU xtal frequency.

Currently,I want to know how to resolve error:79, and did the MCU must be connected the motor drive ? I didn't connect except serial port and power .I followed your First Run Grbl Settings but now the state still is alarm and send $X it show me error:79. I am a beginner and thank you for your help.

terjeio commented 10 months ago

the state still is alarm and send $X it show me error:79

This is likely due to the reset or estop input beeing in the asserted state. Have you tried with setting $14=70 and resetting the controller? If this does not help what is the response when you send ?

mr-huang-mou commented 10 months ago

the state still is alarm and send $X it show me error:79

This is likely due to the reset or estop input beeing in the asserted state. Have you tried with setting $14=70 and resetting the controller? If this does not help what is the response when you send ?

send ? and receive is <Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:35,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:P> .

terjeio commented 10 months ago

send ? and receive is <Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:35,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:P> .

Looks good, if you clear the alarm by sending <CTRL>+<X> followed by $X then what is the state?

mr-huang-mou commented 10 months ago

send ? and receive is <Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:35,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:P> .

Looks good, if you clear the alarm by sending <CTRL>+<X> followed by $X then what is the state?

I don't know whether sending success,send Ctrl +X and back package was error:9,and $X was error:79

terjeio commented 9 months ago

Set $10=1535 and reboot, then post a ? response so I can see the reason for the alarm.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

Set $10=1535 and reboot, then post a ? response so I can see the reason for the alarm.

Actually, my problem was that I send G1 X10 Y10 Z10 F100 to machine and home machine showok ,but the state didn't to change to jog or run.Sending a ? and show <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:35,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:PXYZ|Ov:100,100,100|H:0> sending $$ and show $0=10.0 $1=25 $2=0 $3=0 $4=7 $5=0 $6=0 $7=0 $10=511 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $14=7 $15=0 $16=0 $17=0 $18=0 $19=0 $20=0 $21=0 $22=0 $23=0 $24=25.0 $25=500.0 $26=250 $27=1.000 $28=0.100 $29=0.0 $30=1000.000 $31=0.000 $32=0 $33=5000.0 $34=0.0 $35=0.0 $36=100.0 $37=0 $39=1 $40=0 $43=1 $44=4 $45=3 $46=0 $62=0 $63=2 $64=0 $65=0 $100=250.000 $101=250.000 $102=250.000 $110=500.000 $111=500.000 $112=500.000 $120=10.000 $121=10.000 $122=10.000 $130=200.000 $131=200.000 $132=200.000 $341=0 $342=30.0 $343=25.0 $344=200.0 $345=100.0 $384=0 ok but how to set $50~$55 ? I couldn't set ,and didn't find in code .

terjeio commented 9 months ago

but how to set $50~$55 ? I couldn't set ,and didn't find in code .

By adding the keypad plugin to the build.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

By adding the keypad plugin to the build.

Now,I have a new problem. I sent G1 X10 F100 and receive ok but it didn't move and I also sent ? receive <Idle|MPos:0.524,1.372,0.000|Bf:34,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:PXYZ> but it doesn't change <Idle|MPos:0.524,1.372,0.000|Bf:35,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:PXYZ|Ov:100,100,100> I am not sure whether something I didn't set.Oh,I also sent $J=G53 Y1.0 F10 and ? ,it show me <Jog|MPos:0.608,1.372,0.000|Bf:32,1023|FS:78,0|Pn:PXYZ> ,it moved,but it didn't act as expected.

terjeio commented 9 months ago

Have you calibrated your motors? The step/mm settings are important for correct movement. Stepper driver and motor wiring is ok?

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

Have you calibrated your motors? The step/mm settings are important for correct movement. Stepper driver and motor wiring is ok?

I haven't wire motor and Stepper driver.Temporarily only MCU is used for testing.If needs,I can wire.Stepper driver is TB6600 and motor is 42BYGH48-401A.Other than that, do I need to modify in the code?

terjeio commented 9 months ago

Other than that, do I need to modify in the code?

No, code modifications are seldom required.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

Other than that, do I need to modify in the code?

No, code modifications are seldom required.

do I need wire motor,Stepper driver and MCU ?

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

I sent G1 X10 F100 and ?,but received ok <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:34,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:PXYZ> it didn't run. I have no idea to fix it.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

this is my settings $0=10.0 $1=255 $2=0 $3=0 $4=7 $5=0 $6=0 $7=0 $10=511 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $14=7 $15=0 $16=0 $17=0 $18=0 $19=0 $20=0 $21=0 $22=0 $23=0 $24=25.0 $25=500.0 $26=250 $27=1.000 $28=0.100 $29=0.0 $30=1000.000 $31=0.000 $32=0 $33=5000.0 $34=0.0 $35=0.0 $36=100.0 $37=0 $39=1 $40=0 $43=1 $44=4 $45=3 $46=0 $50=100.0 $51=600.0 $52=3000.0 $53=0.250 $54=500.0 $55=3000.0 $62=0 $63=2 $64=0 $65=0 $100=250.000 $101=250.000 $102=250.000 $110=500.000 $111=500.000 $112=500.000 $120=10.000 $121=10.000 $122=10.000 $130=200.000 $131=200.000 $132=200.000 $341=0 $342=30.0 $343=25.0 $344=200.0 $345=100.0 $384=0

terjeio commented 9 months ago

I have no idea to fix it.

And I have no idea about what is going on. Are you using Windows? If so can you download ioSender and use that to communicate with the board?

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

Why do I need to cycle the $J=G53 X100 F500 command lots of times to finish jog ? And how do I make G1 X10 F100 command work?

terjeio commented 9 months ago

There is something seriously wrong with your build, but I do not know what. How do you build the firmware? Using the Web Builder or STM32CubeIDE or something else? If the STM32CubeIDE have you selected a build for the correct MCU? There are many combinations available from the Hammer tool i the toolbar. How do you flash the controller? And post the output from the $I command.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

There is something seriously wrong with your build, but I do not know what. How do you build the firmware? Using the Web Builder or STM32CubeIDE or something else? If the STM32CubeIDE have you selected a build for the correct MCU? There are many combinations available from the Hammer tool i the toolbar. How do you flash the controller? And post the output from the $I command.

Using STM32CubeIDE and selecting Debug F407 8Mhz $I command show that [VER:1.1f.20220625:] [OPT:VNMSL,35,1024,3,0] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,TC,SED] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH] [DRIVER:STM32F407] [DRIVER VERSION:130522] [PLUGIN:KEYPAD v1.34] ok I thought that maybe DRIVER VERSION was old. And MCU is STM32F407ZGT6

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

I have new problem in using the lastest edition, I use to the new version to test ,but it show me alarm: 10 I am not sure what trigger Estop.

terjeio commented 9 months ago

I am not sure what trigger Estop.

Short the estop (reset) pin to ground (PB5 in the generic map) or invert the input with $14.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

I am not sure what trigger Estop.

Short the estop (reset) pin to ground (PB5 in the generic map) or invert the input with $14.

Thank you for help, I tried to short the estop pin and it can start ,but invert the input was still alarm.

terjeio commented 9 months ago

Did you invert using the correct bitmap? Send $$=14 to get which values to use, or use ioSender to change the setting.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

Did you invert using the correct bitmap? Send $$=14 to get which values to use, or use ioSender to change the setting.

I set $14=71 and view the settings ,it's true of $14=71 .I also tried to use ConfigApp to change the settings.

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

I have new problem .how can I do to release the hold state When I send M0 command .

terjeio commented 9 months ago

I have new problem .how can I do to release the hold state When I send M0 command .

Send cycle start: ~

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

I have new problem .how can I do to release the hold state When I send M0 command .

Send cycle start: ~

Thank you ,this is very helpful to me .

mr-huang-mou commented 9 months ago

Hello,terjeio I had a new problem ,how should I set the origin coordinates of the mechanical coordinate system? G92 X0 Y0 Z0 can't set the origin coordinate.

terjeio commented 9 months ago

how should I set the origin coordinates of the mechanical coordinate system?

By homing the machine? By default the origin is in negative space (from max travel settings) but can be set to 0 by a homing option flag ($22):

image $$=22 outputs:

$22: Homing cycle as bitfield where setting bit 0 enables the rest:
    0 - Enable (1)
    1 - Enable single axis commands (2)
    2 - Homing on startup required (4)
    3 - Set machine origin to 0 (8)
    4 - Two switches shares one input pin (16)
    5 - Allow manual (32)
    6 - Override locks (64)
    7 - Keep homed status on reset (128)

Enables homing cycle. Requires limit switches on axes to be automatically homed.

When `Enable single axis commands` is checked, single axis homing can be performed by $H<axis letter> commands.

When `Allow manual` is checked, axes not homed automatically may be homed manually by $H or $H<axis letter> commands.

`Override locks` is for allowing a soft reset to disable `Homing on startup required`.

Use G54 - G59.3 to set offsets, not G92 unless you understand how G92 works.