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No two Axis support? #124

Closed farbefreak closed 2 years ago

farbefreak commented 2 years ago

Hello Guys,

i compiled the grblHAL files with your supplied guide for a Arduino Due. I changed the *_map to reflect my pin connections and everything seems to work. (Exept for a different Issue)

However I cant get a two axis mode to work.

There is a statement inside the grbl/config.h: "Defines number of axes supported - minimum 3, maximum 6" but a contradictory one below: (after the homing section regarding the single Axis Homing commands) "If you have a two-axis machine, DON'T USE THIS. Instead, just alter the homing cycle for two-axes."

I defined HOMING_CYCLE_0 (X_AXIS_BIT|Y_AXIS_BIT) // Move X,Y at the same time. to get the machine homing on just x and Y with the first cycle.

However it still tries to home Z. (which my machine does not have)

So I assume the grblHAL does not support 2 Axies machines? That would be quite sad as I would have liked to make faster engravings with the faster processor.

Is there something I can do about this?

terjeio commented 2 years ago

Is there something I can do about this?

Reset the settings with $RST=* (as most definititions are now default values for settings) or use the new $-settings $44-$46 for which axes to home - $44=3 and $45=0 in your case.

farbefreak commented 2 years ago

Thanks I will test that tomorrow

farbefreak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help, that worked perfectly!