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troggle stepper enable on reset #150

Closed Tsillen closed 5 months ago

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

My use case: alarm of IHSV57 servo's are hooked up to my e-stop circuit. In the case of a alarm, e-stop input pulls low. In order to reset this either power cycle servo's (not ideal) or troggle drive enable .

To my suprise this drive enable/disable does not occur when you reset the board. It only occurs if you change a setting (in IO SENDER).

Ideally you would see an option somewhere to troggle enable/disable of stepper/servo's on init/reset.

terjeio commented 2 years ago

A plugin can do that by hooking code into hal.driver_reset and registering a function to be called on startup in the plugins init function. Here is an example of the use of those methods.

Toggling the enable signal can be done by calling hal.stepper.enable().

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

So if i understand correctly `static void on_driver_reset (void) {

1 sec delay

if(power_state != Power_On)

} `

terjeio commented 2 years ago

You have to cast the argument to hal.stepper.enable like this: hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){AXES_BITMASK}); and hal.stepper.enable(s(axes_signals_t){0});

1 sec delay is hal.delay_ms(1000, NULL);

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

awesome, i'll have a try.

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

ssr.c (probably don't need half of these includes)

#include "driver.h"

#if SERVO_RESET_ENABLE // Declared in my_machine.h - you must add in the section with the included plugins
#include "grbl/protocol.h"
#include "grbl/hal.h"
#include "grbl/state_machine.h"
#include "grbl/system.h"
#include "grbl/alarms.h"
#include "grbl/nuts_bolts.h"         // For delay_sec non-blocking timer function

// Declarations
static driver_reset_ptr driver_reset;
static void driverReset (void)
    hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){0}); //disable drives
    hal.delay_ms(1000, NULL); // wait a second
    hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){1}); //enable drives

// INIT FUNCTION - CALLED FROM plugins_init.h()
// void my_plugin_init() {
void ssr_init() 

    driver_reset = hal.driver_reset;                    // Subscribe to driver reset event
    hal.driver_reset = driverReset;


plugins_init.h add:

    extern void ssr_init (void);

my_machine.h add: #define SERVO_RESET_ENABLE 1

I was kinda suprised that it found my ssr.c as nowhere i let it know it is in the /ssr/ folder but it seems to compile. Now lets see if it works.

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

yup this works.

When my servo goes in alarm -> pulls e-stop -> pressing reset in iosender now pulls drive enable and clears servo alarm.

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

Well does something weird. if servo alarm goes off -> pulls e-stop -> i see that there is no alarm light on my servo. When i check the status (over RS232 directly into servo) it shows that drive_enable is low. It seems that it auto triggers and reset which is not the intended goal.

Goal is to reset it when i press the big reset button: image

Seems like hal.driver_reset is auto called when e-stop is active.

terjeio commented 2 years ago

Seems like hal.driver_reset is auto called when e-stop is active.

Correct, you'll have to check if e-stop is active and delay action until it is cleared?

if (!hal.control.get_state().e_stop)
    toggle enable
Tsillen commented 2 years ago

during e-stop drivers can stay enabled. I should toggle enable after this code is cleared.

Tsillen commented 2 years ago
#include "driver.h"

#if SERVO_RESET_ENABLE // Declared in my_machine.h - you must add in the section with the included plugins
#include "grbl/protocol.h"
#include "grbl/hal.h"
#include "grbl/state_machine.h"
#include "grbl/system.h"
#include "grbl/alarms.h"
#include "grbl/nuts_bolts.h"         // For delay_sec non-blocking timer function

// Declarations
static driver_reset_ptr driver_reset;
uint8_t holdbit = 0; //holdbit for servo enable toggle
static void driverReset (void)
    if (holdbit == 1)
        hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){0}); //disable drives
        hal.delay_ms(1000, NULL); // wait a second 
        hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){1}); //enable drives
        holdbit = 0; //reset holdbit

// INIT FUNCTION - CALLED FROM plugins_init.h()
// void my_plugin_init() {
void ssr_init() 

    driver_reset = hal.driver_reset;                    // Subscribe to driver reset event
    hal.driver_reset = driverReset;
if (hal.control.get_state().e_stop) //estop event
    holdbit = 1; //set holdbit
Tsillen commented 2 years ago

i think something like this should work. need to check where i can put the estop event code

terjeio commented 2 years ago

need to check where i can put the estop event code

It is not an event callback, the hal.control.get_state().e_stop call reads the status directly from the input.

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

image Iosender does not allow me to reset while e-stop is active (alarm from servos)

I tried this: but i can't send reset in current state so it is kinda stuck. Not sure how do to this behavoir other than adding extra buttons etc.

#include "driver.h"

#if SERVO_RESET_ENABLE // Declared in my_machine.h - you must add in the section with the included plugins
#include "grbl/protocol.h"
#include "grbl/hal.h"
#include "grbl/state_machine.h"
#include "grbl/system.h"
#include "grbl/alarms.h"
#include "grbl/nuts_bolts.h"         // For delay_sec non-blocking timer function

// Declarations
static driver_reset_ptr driver_reset;
uint8_t holdbit = 0; //holdbit for servo enable toggle

static void driverReset (void)
    if (holdbit == 1) //should i check if e-stop is still high?
        hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){0}); //disable drives
        hal.delay_ms(1000, NULL); // wait a second 
        hal.stepper.enable((axes_signals_t){1}); //enable drives
        holdbit = 0; //reset holdbit
    else if (hal.control.get_state().e_stop) //if e-stop pin is high
        holdbit = 1; //set holdbit


// INIT FUNCTION - CALLED FROM plugins_init.h()
// void my_plugin_init() {
void ssr_init() 

    driver_reset = hal.driver_reset;                    // Subscribe to driver reset event
    hal.driver_reset = driverReset;
terjeio commented 2 years ago

If you want to trap the e-stop event you can attach your code to hal.control.interrupt_callback in the same manner as you do for hal.driver_reset. Here is the core handler for the callback:

terjeio commented 2 years ago

Iosender does not allow me to reset while e-stop is active (alarm from servos)

grblHAL blocks this - the servo alarm should trigger the motor fault signal instead? If the driver you are using has aux inputs you could claim one and use that to trigger the signal.

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

Hi i'm using the grblhal2k:

I believe it has aux inputs. Will investigate further

Tsillen commented 2 years ago

Using this code for now, works well enough.

At some point i might use the motor fault input.