grblHAL / core

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Помогите с кодом. #245

Open logvinov-ivan opened 1 year ago

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

Хочу сделать швейную машинку для вышивания.. как подключить (датчик индуктивности или датчик холла )для установки поднятия иглы ? и прописать его в прошивке чтоб по команде в gcode m555 двигатель остановился и провернулся до замыкания датчика . ?!?

I want to make a sewing machine for embroidery.. how to connect (inductance sensor or hall sensor) to set the needle lift? and register it in the firmware so that, at the command in gcode m555, the engine stops and turns until the sensor closes. ?!?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

You will have to write a plugin for that. If your board has registered auxillary inputs (preferably interrupt capable?) you can use the ioports API to read the input. This template reads inputs via interrupts, you may also poll the input while waiting. Add M555 handling to the plugin in a similar way as [this example](

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

stm32 3 axes are used, there, there are also outputs for 2 axes. Is there any instructions on how to use and configure these plugins. I'm not good at programming. it turns out I take a pin with stm32, enter an additional "M * command and when executing Gcode, the command will be executed according to the written conditions and after that it will start executing the following lines of gcode....

Could you please help with writing a plugin, I have no skill in this. you need to start some kind of command "m" and when using it in gcode, so that the engine at low speeds looks for the position of the sensor until an input signal is received, then it stops and gcode continues to be executed.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Is there any instructions on how to use and configure these plugins.

For the templates instructions are usually in the .c file header. For "active" plugins in hosted separate repositories in the associated readme. Some general informatin can be found in the Wiki. For the templates and any you write yourself just copy (or create) a file in the source folder (where main.c is located) and recompile - the only requirement is that a function named _my_plugininit is present, it will be called on startup.

M555 is new for me, is this generally used by embroidery machines? If so do you have any links to information?

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

no, I wrote m555 as an example to make it clear in gcode , otherwise you can use any command

terjeio commented 1 year ago

I wrote m555 as an example

Ok, then you can first try with M66 - wait for input, use the $pins command to check if P0 (Aux0) is available. E.g. M66P0L2Q1800 will stop execution and wait for a falling edge with a timeout of 30 minutes.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

by gcode, the engine will turn off and m66 will then wait for the sensor to work on the pin ?! so the engine should reduce to 10 revolutions and rotate until it finds a signal from the sensor, after which it continues to move .. according to the gcode program

terjeio commented 1 year ago

by gcode, the engine will turn off

Motion will stop and wait for the sensor. If you are using the spindle signal for something and want to stop that then M66 will not disable the spindle signal.

so the engine should reduce to 10 revolutions and rotate until it finds a signal from the sensor,

Is this in the gcode? And is it the same sensor as for the first step? Do you have example gcode that shows the sequence? With comments if possible.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

there is no gcode, it will just execute commands, after the execution has passed, the engine should spin slowly to find the sensor and stop, it turns out that the needle will come out of the fabric, and will not tear the fabric after gcode continues to work.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

there is no gcode, it will just execute commands

You lost me there - execute what kind of commands? grblHAL understands a number of G- and M-codes plus some $ system commands. It is possible to add parsers for other command sets, as I did for the HPGL plotting language.

How are the commands generated? By a program? Made by you or generally available?

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

publicly available. yes, everything is like a plotter, just add parsers so that the electric motor can tighten the needle, that is, it will turn until the sensor is triggered, stop and then begin to execute gcode., this is in order not to take off the needle and tear the fabric, you need to track when moving the axes, the upper position of the needle.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

What will happen. x-axis y-axis hall sensor motor through Ink / Stitch I will generate a code for embroidery. I will run the code through grblhal the axes will start moving along the program. after the program is completed, you need to move, but since the needle may remain at the bottom and when moving to another point starts, it will lead to a tear in the fabric and a broken needle. that's why I want to track the position of the needle before moving to another place. To allow movement, the sensor must allow movement, that it is closed and you can perform movement or further execute gcode.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Do you have any links?

just add parsers so that the electric motor can tighten the needle, that is, it will turn until the sensor is triggered, stop and then begin to execute gcode

So there is defined sequence of actions that has to be taken when executing the new M-code, not only a simple wait? Perhaps a bit similar to the toolchange sequence(s)? Motions, wait for probe input, motions, wait for input (cycle start), motions...

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

У вас есть ссылки?

просто потом добавили парсеры, чтобы электродвигатель мог подтянуть иглу, то есть она крутилась до срабатывания датчика, останавливалась и начинала запускать gcode

То есть определена последовательность действий, которые необходимы при выполнении нового М-кода, а не простое ожидание? Возможно, это немного похоже на последовательность(и) смены инструмента ? Движение, ожидание ввода датчика, движение, ожидание ввода (начало цикла), движение...

what you need, but here the movement is performed by raising the axis of the stepper motor, and I have an asynchronous one, to find the sensor you need low engine speeds, PWM control.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

And how to collect all this in the firmware ?! is it possible with mega2560 and shield ramps 1.4?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Looking at this video it seems to me that want you want is to run the retract step (pulling the needle up) until a sensor is struck and then continue? This could be achieved by using a probing sequence for the retract?

is it possible with mega2560

Sorry no, grblHAL does not run on 8 bit processors.

shield ramps 1.4

Some boards supported by grblHAL could use this if Ramps 1.4 is similar to 1.6?

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

I'll take stm32 well. yes, I watched the video, a stepper motor is used there, and with it there is no sick speed of work, for this the hall sensor will be used to determine and raise the needle to the top and continue working on gcode further

terjeio commented 1 year ago

You are using translation software to english? I am having a bit of trouble understanding everything...

You refer to PWM above - does this mean you want to use a RC servo motor for driving the needle?

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

Yes, I use google translator. asynchronous motor with a hall sensor. I don’t have a servo motor

terjeio commented 1 year ago

You control the motor with the PWM and spindle direction signals - using M3/M4 and S for speed? The Hall sensor detects when the needle is in the "home" position (moved up)? And another one when reaching the lower position?

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

Yes, I would like to use these M codes. I need only one sensor to determine the upper position of the needle, so that the axes move to another location and the code continues to execute.

but since I don't have any programming background, I think that I won't understand writing a plugin for such needs.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Have you made the machine already or is it in the planning stage? Is it a design used by others? If so do you have any links? Pictures? What kind of driver is used for the asynchrounous motor? Would you not require a sensor for the lower position as well? ...

These are some of the questions that comes to mind and that has to be answered before any attempt to write a plugin.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

Yes, under development ... I'm waiting for details from China. I still don’t really know what I need and what sensors, I still have problems with the firmware 1.where to see driver connections to stm32 in grbl hal firmware

  1. compiled via ide, included in the file define USB_SERIAL_CDC =1, but usb does not work, how to enable it? so that after the firmware it was possible to use stm32 via usb.
  2. Through the site, the firmware is compiled well, everything is buzzing.
    1. ioSender 2.0.41 writes motion blocking like all settings are off. [VER:1.1f.20230129:] [OPT:VNMSLW,35,512,3,0] [AXS:3:XYZ] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,TC] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH] [DRIVER:STM32F103C8] [DRIVER VERSION:230125] [BOARD:CNC 3040] [KINEMATICS:WallPlotter v2.00] error:18 - Reset asserted\

error:8 - '$' command cannot be used unless controller state is IDLE. Ensures smooth operation during a job. -what should be done? I don't understand

terjeio commented 1 year ago

1.where to see driver connections to stm32 in grbl hal firmware

In the board map file or by using the $pins command

  1. compiled via ide, included in the file define USB_SERIAL_CDC =1, but usb does not work, how to enable it?

Did you compile with the correct MCU selected and bootloader on/off version?

  1. See this Wiki page.
logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

I don't know how to enable usb properly.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

$14=78 set, but grblhal does not accept these values, an error is written

terjeio commented 1 year ago

$14 controls pin inversions and pin availablility is depending on the controller. Try $14=15 or$$=14 for information about which pins are available and the setting value assigned to each pin. Sum the values to get the setting value you need. Another option is to connect the pin(s) to ground.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

I don't know how to enable usb properly.

USB communication is the default when available. If it is not working it could be due to flashing a version of the firmware that does not match the processor and/or the processor clock (crystal) on the board.

logvinov-ivan commented 1 year ago

how to flash stm32f103c8t6 correctly, the assembly from isb works through the site, and if the assembly is done through ide, then it doesn’t work, what am I doing wrong? downloaded grbl hal opened, compiled received a file, format . bin via stm32 loaded the program into the board.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

You are compiling the RC version instead of the unnamed one which is for the C8? Select the correct one here - from the dropdown presented when clicking on the down arrow.


If flashing via the debug tool ensure the correct binary is selected.


Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago

Хочу сделать швейную машинку для вышивания..

как подключить (датчик индуктивности или датчик холла )для установки поднятия иглы ? и прописать его в прошивке чтоб по команде в gcode m555 двигатель остановился и провернулся до замыкания датчика . ?!? I want to make a sewing machine for embroidery.. how to connect (inductance sensor or hall sensor) to set the needle lift? and register it in the firmware so that, at the command in gcode m555, the engine stops and turns until the sensor closes. ?!?

i have what you want to do already working, i just want to makeit faster, at least 800 to 1200 STPM M66 is the most correct way to go, however i have setup a joystic board wired to a optocoupler sensor to "read" whhen the neddle is in the up position, then the sender just sends one line each time the sensor is triggered

i will test with grblHal and see if i can get it to work with M66


terjeio commented 1 year ago

@Ams-Laser A few questions:

Is the current controller running some Grbl version? Can you zip and add an example gcode file if it gcode is used? Is the sender a dedicated sender with special features? Like handling when the needle in the up position? Is the threading (needle) motor under speed (RPM) control? How are long jumps handled - they may take longer than the time for one stitch (or one revolution of the motor)?

i will test with grblHal and see if i can get it to work with M66

You will have to add a definition for an Aux input to the board map, you can do that? Or should I do it?

Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago


@Ams-Laser A few questions:

Is the current controller running some Grbl version? yes its running grblmega-5x from here

Can you zip and add an example gcode file if it gcode is used? here is the input DST (tajima) file and the converted (by my sender) output GCODE file

Is the sender a dedicated sender with special features? YES

Like handling when the needle in the up position? Yes, i call this servo mode, it waits for a joystick button to be pressed before sending the next G! line

Is the threading (needle) motor under speed (RPM) control? controlled by relay, speed is setup at the servo control box and can be varied without problem unless it gets so fast that the moves cannot keep up

How are long jumps handled - they may take longer than the time for one stitch (or one revolution of the motor)? the time we have for movement is half revolution (from the poin where the needle comes out the fabric to the point where its almost going into the fabric again

i will test with grblHal and see if i can get it to work with M66 great!!!

You will have to add a definition for an Aux input to the board map, you can do that? Or should I do it? please doit, i failed at compiling grblHal for my MKS-dlc32 board

let me know if you need my sender to test and compare

Thanks again Ed

terjeio commented 1 year ago

@Ams-Laser I will add an aux input tomorrow, it is getting late here. I came to think of another feature of grblHAL that could be used, it is possible to put the controller in single step mode, toggled on/off either via $S or real-time command 0x89. Triggering the cycle start input will execute the next line (block) in the program. Using this will be simpler than adding M66 commands? BTW you can compile by using the Web Builder.

Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago

@Ams-Laser I will add an aux input tomorrow, it is getting late here. I came to think of another feature of grblHAL that could be used, it is possible to put the controller in single step mode, toggled on/off either via $S or real-time command 0x89. Triggering the cycle start input will execute the next line (block) in the program. Using this will be simpler than adding M66 commands? BTW you can compile by using the Web Builder.

y tried the web builder but the uploader has changed and i could not find instructions on new version thanks Ed

terjeio commented 1 year ago

I will add an aux input tomorrow

Done, pin 33 (EXP_1 header, pin 8). Note that this pin does not have a pullup so you have to drive the pin by logic level or add a pullup resistor. I have also added feed hold and cycle start inputs on J2 (I2C header).

You can test the aux input by sending M66P0L2Q5, if you trigger the pin (pull it low) you should get the ok response before the 5 second timeout. I have only tested with a bare dev board as I do not have a DLC32.

From looking at the sigzag gcode file I guess you are using the comments to control the needle motor and set up a wait for trigger. Correct?

the uploader has changed and i could not find instructions on new version

You are running on Linux? I've just tested the Windows version and that works fine using the current instruction page.

Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago

Thanks, im still having truble compiling for my dlc32 board , once i get it working ill test the i/o

Again, thanks Ed.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

@Ams-Laser I've added a sensor on an old PFAFF machine to check timings on my scope - you must have pretty high acceleration and feedrate settings to achieve the speed I see in your video? May I ask what they are?

BTW I have added plugin support for Tajima DST files (streaming from SD card only) - I need to add motor control to the sewing machine to complete that, but it looks good. I can even get a 3D view in my sender from translating the DST format to gcode and upload that to the sender:


Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago

Looks Great!!!! Step/mm 10 on all axis Máx rate 6000mm/min Accel 4000mm/sec2

Motor speed control done by relay on output pin

Can i please try on my machine

Tanks Ed.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Can i please try on my machine

Not yet - I have to figure out when to cut power the motor first. It should be cut a number of milliseconds before the trigger so that it comes to a stop just after the final encoder signal? Or is motor acceleration so slow that it does not matter for the first stitch after a start? At low stitch rates this might not matter at all, but at higher ones it might?

How do you handle this, if at all?

Anyway - I am going to the workshop to fetch a relay for the motor...

Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago


Can i please try on my machine

Not yet - I have to figure out when to cut power the motor first. It should be cut a number of milliseconds before the trigger so that it comes to a stop just after the final encoder signal? Or is motor acceleration so slow that it does not matter for the first stitch after a start? At low stitch rates this might not matter at all, but at higher ones it might?

How do you handle this, if at all?

Anyway - I am going to the workshop to fetch a relay for the motor...

Im usinga Servo motor for the sewing machine, it has its own encoder and automatically stops the machine with the neddle in the up position, there are cheaper than closed loop steppers or servos, i just cut off the relay and wait 2 seconds in case the servo was just passed the needle up position and slowly does one last stitch then is safe to move the axis

can you share your converted "CUADROS.dst" file so i can see how you are handling the positions, color changes, etc.

hope this helps Ed.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Im usinga Servo motor for the sewing machine

Ok, but I guess not everybody will have that. The machine I am testing with is old (50 years+) and uses a tapped resistor for speed control, so I believe I have to be able to calibrate when to cut power.

can you share your converted "CUADROS.dst" file

I do not have such a file, you forgot to attach it? Anyway the conversion to gcode is available just for a sender to fetch (if it wants it) so that it can display the design. Execution is directly from the embroidery file (.dst or .pes) - the plugin reads stitch data from a SD card connected to the controller and calls the appropriate code in the grblHAL core to control the machine. This way I have a lot more control of what is going on than by translating to gcode first and sending that to the gcode parser.

Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago

@terjeio as a solution for the sewin machine control, just use a relay to enable, and use the pedal to set the speed, upon stopping display a message to user asking tu put needle in upper position manualy then pres continue, anyway the neddle wont stop until a color change is needed so there shoudl not be a problem, this way it will work wit ANY motor without need to adjust timings, as these can vary on tread and fabric being sewed this is the file i use for test/debug, its small and has bot small and large stitches remove the TXT dummy extension and its a DST file, if you could catch your gcode output i could help you verify, i had one bug when i converted when the very first line after the neddle set command its in the grong position and should be sent before starting the motor. Ed cuadros.dst.txt

Ams-Laser commented 1 year ago

is there a way to enable bluethooth serial on esp32 with grblHal? or setup a virtual port like i had with MSK original firmware using image Thanks. Ed.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

is there a way to enable bluethooth serial on esp32 with grblHal?

Yes - but not yet from the Web Builder. You have to compile locally for now.

or setup a virtual port like i had with MSK original firmware using

Telnet and Websocket communication is supported so yes?

anyway the neddle wont stop until a color change is needed so there shoudl not be a problem,

There are other commands that stops the needle as well, at least trim and jump commands.

if you could catch your gcode output i could help you verify, i had one bug when i converted when the very first line after the neddle set command its in the grong position and should be sent before starting the motor.

Give me a bit of time for that - saving is disabled in my sender for files loaded from the SD card.

BTW, I have published the code as it now stands, and opened a discussion where further comments should be made.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

@Ams-Laser Here is the converted file. It is in a minimized format, in legal gcode, to increase upload speed:
