grblHAL / core

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Axes moves together #335

Closed userfuckingname666 closed 11 months ago

userfuckingname666 commented 1 year ago

Hi! I have strange GRBLHAL behavior on STMF103C8T6 (128): any G1 x/y commands moves X-axis in negative direction. At the same time Z_axis moves correctly. Firmware was created by web builder for STM/CNC3040 with following settings:

Native USB x-single motor y-single motor z-single motor probe unchecked

Compatibility: GRBL complete Kinematics:CoreXY

Any other options are unchecked and disabled

Also i haven't any limits or sensors connected. For example: if only x-stepper connected, G1 y.. moves x-axis What the problem may consist of?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

What the problem may consist of?

Bad wiring, damaged prosessor, bad stepper driver, ... I have verified the firmware by connecting some LEDs and the X direction pin works as it should. Are you able to measure the voltage on A1? Does it change on direction changes?

userfuckingname666 commented 1 year ago

I have tested only X-axis driver connected. Both "g1 x.." and "g1 y.." moves axis. Two controllers was tested. Drivers & controllers works fine with 6-AXIS-USBCNC-GRBL using same pins set.

The only way to change direction for X-axis is dir inverting with $3 command.

Web builder bug causes wrong pin mapping?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

This is the firmware I used for testing, made by the Web Builder today:

userfuckingname666 commented 1 year ago

I've installed 6-AXIS-USBCNC-GRBL and my machine is busy now so i can't test it for yet. There's size difference 2KB between your firmware and my one. Probably, our build settings are not identical.

In case you are interested in solving this problem, my build setting are following:

Driver: STM32F1xx Board: CNC3040(Red, bluepill 128k)

Connection: Native USB Number of axes: 3 Remap ABC to UVW: unchecked X,Y,Z axis: single motor Probe input: unchecked Safety door input: unchecked

EEPROM is FRAM:unchecked Keypad: disabled Macros: disabled Odometer: unchecked

Compatibility level: Grbl complete(10) TLO report: All axes Kinematics: CoreXY

Template plugins:none All other available checkboxes set to unchecked state

Resulting firmware size: 124324 bytes

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Resulting firmware size: 124324 bytes

I've tested with this - same result as previous test, X direction output changes.

[PIN:PB14,Feed hold]
[PIN:PB15,Cycle start]
[PIN:PB10,X limit min]
[PIN:PB11,Y limit min]
[PIN:PB12,Z limit min]
[PIN:PA0,X step]
[PIN:PA2,Y step]
[PIN:PA4,Z step]
[PIN:PA1,X dir]
[PIN:PA3,Y dir]
[PIN:PA5,Z dir]
[PIN:PB9,Steppers enable]
[PIN:PB1,Spindle on]
[PIN:PB0,Spindle direction]
[PIN:PA8,Spindle PWM]
userfuckingname666 commented 1 year ago

Is your X-axis moving when you send "G1 Y.."?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

From what I can see on the LEDs, yes both motors are moving. And X andY direction signals changes on a direction change.

userfuckingname666 commented 1 year ago

Have you read my last message attentively? Both "G1 X" & "G1 Y" commands produces step signal at A0. Do you have such behavior?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Both "G1 X" & "G1 Y" commands produces step signal at A0. Do you have such behavior?

Yes I have, CoreXY kinematics behaves that way.

userfuckingname666 commented 1 year ago

CoreXY kinematics behaves that way. OMFG! Huge thanks, man!

I have another stupid question. Please tell me how can i unblock GrblHal made with "GrblHal compatibility" option when i haven't any sensors connected? As far as i remember, GrblHal returned alarm codes 79 but i'm not sure. I tried to invert different inputs, but didn't succeed.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Did you follow this guide?