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Macro is giving error about not running from filesystem when it is. #485

Closed rvalotta closed 2 months ago

rvalotta commented 3 months ago

Taking a stab at wriring a ATC macro that uses macros as functions... I 'm getting an odd error and I can't seem to find what I may be doing wrong.

The Macro is as follows

; #7 - Pocket 1 X pos
; #8 - Pocket 1 Y Pos
; #3 - Pocket 1 Alignment 0=X 1=Y
; #11 - Pocket Direction 0=Positive 1=Negative
; #4 - Pocket Offset
; #5 - Tool Number
; #6 - Axis to return 0=X 1=Y

(debug, starting tool pos)
#31 = [#5 - 1]
#32 = [#31 * #4]
(debug, #5, #31, offset is #32)

; X Align
o100 if [#3 EQ 0] 
(debug, ATC Aligned with X-Axis)
; Positive
    o110 if [#11 EQ 0] 
        (debug, Pocket 1 is on the left)
        o111 if [#6 EQ 0] 
            #33 = [#7 + #32]
            (debug, X Pos is #33)
            o111 return [#33]
        o111 else 
            (debug, y Pos is #8)
            o111 return [#8]
        o111 endif
    o110 else 
        (debug, Pockets 1 is on the right)
        o112 if [#6 EQ 0] 
            #33 = [#7 - #32] 
            (debug, x pos is #33)
            o112 return [#33]
        o112 else 
            (debug, y pos is #8)
            o112 return [#8]
        o112 endif 
    o110 endif
o100 else 
(debug, ATC Aligned in Y-Axis)
    o120 if [#11 eq 0] 
        (debug, Pocket 1 is on the bottom)
        o121 if [#6 EQ 0] 
            (debug, X pos is #7)
            o121 return [#7]
        o121 else 
            #33 = [#8 + #32]
            (debug, Y pos is #33)
            o121 return [#33]
        o121 endif
    o120 else 
        (debug, Pocket 1 is on the top)
        o122 if [#6 EQ 0] 
            (debug, X pos is #7)
            o122 return [#7]
        o122 else 
            #33 = [#8 - #32]
            (debug, Y pos is #33)
            o122 return [#33]
        o122 endif   
    o120 endif
o100 endif

When called as follows G65 P100 D100 E100 F0 H0 I30 J2 K0 It works as expected while G65 P100 D100 E100 F0 H0 I30 J2 K1 gives a error 80 that the script is not running from the filesystem.

With the debugging I'm getting to
[MSG:starting tool pos] [MSG:2.000000, 1.000000, offset is 30.000000] [MSG:ATC Aligned with X-Axis] [MSG:Pocket 1 is on the left]

I should be seeing Y Pos is... any help would be appreciated...

terjeio commented 2 months ago

Note that the M99 in the O111 else block will terminate the macro - the following return statement will never be executed.

rvalotta commented 2 months ago

I am aware thank you I was trying to determine what line was causing me grief and added that in to see if it was the return or something else.