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Macro Issue that I can not figure out. #504

Closed rvalotta closed 1 week ago

rvalotta commented 2 months ago

We are continuing to work on the ATC macro that I reported issues with last time and am experiencing an odd issue.

The following block of code is behaving oddly..

o400 if [#<_selected_tool> EQ 0]
  ; We selected tool 0. Do nothing as we are already loaded.
  (debug, Loaded tool 0)
o400 elseif [#<_selected_tool> LE #<_rc_pockets>]
  ; We have a tool with a pocket
  G53 G0 X[#<_rc_x_load>] Y[#<_rc_y_load>]
  (debug, Move to pocket #<_selected_tool>)
  G53 G0 Z[#<_rc_z_engage> + #<_rc_z_spin_off>]
  (debug, Move to spin start)
  G53 G1 Z[#<_rc_z_spin_load>] F[#<_rc_feed_engage>]
  M3 S[#<_rc_rpm_load>]
  (debug, Run spindle CW)

  #<_rc_plunged_count> = 0
  o410 while [#<_rc_plunged_count> LT #<_rc_plunge_count>]
    G53 G1 Z[#<_rc_z_engage>] F[#<_rc_feed_engage>]
    (debug, Engage)
    G53 G1 Z[#<_rc_z_engage> + #<_rc_z_retreat_off>] F[#<_rc_feed_engage>]
    (debug, Retreat)
    #<_rc_plunged_count> = [#<_rc_plunged_count> + 1]
    (debug, Load plunge #<_rc_plunged_count> complete)
  o410 endwhile

  (debug, Stop spindle)
  G53 G0 Z[#<_rc_z_to_measure>]
  (debug, Move to measure z)
  (debug, Confirm tool #<_selected_tool> is loaded and press cycle start to continue.)
o400 else
  (debug, Came into o400 else)
  ; Tool out of magazine range. Load manually
  G53 G0 X[#<_rc_x_manual>] Y[#<_rc_y_manual>]
  (debug, Tool #<_selected_tool> is out of magazine range. Manually load tool #<_selected_tool> and cycle start to continue.)
  (debug, Loaded tool out of range)
o400 endif

When it is suppose to go into the o400 else section we are getting the following error [MSG:Warning: error 81 in macro P99.macro] error:81 - Unknown flow statement.

I don't see anything wrong with any of the flow statements I'm at a loss as to why this is not working. We are not even getting the debug message saying it has made it to the else.

Thanks for any help in advance.

terjeio commented 2 months ago

more bugs... Are you compiling locally or using the Web Builder?

rvalotta commented 2 months ago

Precompiled version provided for the flexihal... But I can compile manually if needed. Was going to try and add a option to echo the line of code it is failing on to help better track down what might be wrong

terjeio commented 2 months ago

Ok, here is the patched code (in the grbl folder): I have added the echo.

rvalotta commented 2 months ago

Thank you that Fixed the issue...

rvalotta commented 2 months ago

Just out of curiosity any idea when this might make it into the firmware? Would like to make the script available to others but can't do that until this bug is fixed and available for others to use.

Thanks in advance

andrewmarles commented 2 months ago

FWIW I published a preview build for FlexiHAL here: