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Not correctly reporting coordinates? #517

Closed tcurdt closed 1 month ago

tcurdt commented 1 month ago

Machine is homed. I moved to a different position and the set to zero.

This should have set the working coordinates P1 to zero but the DRO still shows the machine coordinates.

Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 13 49 32

Now it seems like the machine still does the right thing. G0 Z10 and G0 Z0 does work correctly. So I thought maybe it's a problem with the sender - but UGS reported the same. A soft reset did not change things either.

When I restarting the sender I noticed

Connected to /dev/tty.usbmodem325B386534321 with a baud rate of 115200
client ?
client $$
error:2 (Bad number format)

Does the sender maybe expect a different format? What about the working coordinates - not just the machine coordinates? What's Bf?

I am a little lost how to track down whether this is a sender problem. Is there any other way to get the full DRO coordinates from grblHAL to check?

tcurdt commented 1 month ago

Feel free to turn this into a discussion if more appropriate. I could not make out whether this is a bug or whether I am just holding it wrong.

terjeio commented 1 month ago

Looks like you have imported settings from Grbl - not all are compatible, notably $10 that has way more options than Grbl. Default value for $10 is 511 which enables quite a bit more data in the real-time report than shown above. So try $10=511 as a start. It could also be the sender settting $10 on connection, which means you have to run the controller in a compatibility mode. Tip: use $$=10 to output the available options or check the Wiki page.

The error 2 message is from the controller, from receiving something it did not understand. Not sure what that could be.

What's Bf?

Free space in the planner buffer and serial input buffer.

tcurdt commented 1 month ago

Hmmmmm. I haven't really imported anything. But I suspect I know the culprit. I was using the gsender to edit some firmware settings. Maybe it overwrote some settings without me being aware.

Thanks for the pointers! I'll report back soon.

tcurdt commented 1 month ago

Alright. It was gsender that switched from grblHAL to grbl during auto-connect (for whatever mysterious reason).