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Controllo motore Nidec con mks dlc32 e CLK (no PWM) #550

Open distebia opened 2 months ago

distebia commented 2 months ago

Hi, I have a 6 wire Nidec brushless motor with 24v-Gnd-5V-CLK-BRK-dir. I tried to control it with the MKS DLC32 and I can move it clockwise and anticlockwise using m3 and m4. I can adjust the speed only by varying the pwm value from the firmware, if I set it to pwm 500 it runs slow and jerky, if I set it to 20000 it runs fast and fluidly. Any value sent from consoles like m3 s1 (or s1000) does not change the speed. Is there a way to generate the CLK signal instead of pwm?

terjeio commented 1 month ago

Link to datasheet please. If controlled by frequency a custom spindle driver has to be added.

distebia commented 1 month ago

I don't have a spec sheet for the motor, what I know is that it is labeled nidec g1271170. from the first tests I can operate it with m3 forward and m4 backward and I vary the speed only by changing the pwm hz $33 value in the firmware. any command from m3s1g1f1000 to m3s1000g1f1000 does not change the speed.

terjeio commented 1 month ago

...I vary the speed only by changing the pwm hz

Well, then I assume it controlled by frequency, not duty cycle or DC. If so a custom spindle driver has to be written.

distebia commented 1 month ago

pdfcoffee.com_nidec-24h-bl4234-4-pdf-free.pdf here is the technical data sheet, the model is 27h

terjeio commented 1 month ago

There are two variants according to the datasheet, PWM or PLL controlled. Since it looks like you have the PLL version a custom spindle driver has to be written.

distebia commented 1 month ago

include "driver.h"

include "grbl/plugins.h"

// Definisci il pin GPIO per l'uscita della frequenza

define SPINDLE_FREQ_PIN 1032

// Funzione per inizializzare il plugin static void spindle_freq_init(void) { // Configura il pin GPIO come uscita hal.gpio.pin_mode(SPINDLE_FREQ_PIN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); }

// Funzione per aggiornare la frequenza del mandrino static void spindle_freq_update(uint_fast16_t pwm_value) { // Converti il valore PWM in una frequenza (esempio semplice) uint32_t frequency = pwm_value * 100; // Modifica questa formula secondo le tue necessità

// Imposta la frequenza sul pin GPIO
hal.gpio.write(SPINDLE_FREQ_PIN, frequency);


// Funzione di callback per il cambio di velocità del mandrino static void spindle_set_state(spindle_state_t state, float rpm) { uint_fast16_t pwm_value = rpm_to_pwm(rpm); // Converti RPM in valore PWM spindle_freq_update(pwm_value); }

// Struttura del plugin static plugin_t spindle_freq_plugin = { .name = "Spindle Frequency Plugin", .version = "1.0", .init = spindle_freq_init, .spindle_set_state = spindle_set_state };

// Funzione per registrare il plugin void register_spindle_freq_plugin(void) { plugin_register(&spindle_freq_plugin); }

I don't know how to write a plugin..I asked bing and I don't know if the result is correct...can I go ahead with the plugin or am I completely off track?

terjeio commented 1 month ago

I am afraid that it is a bit more complicated. I think the best option is to use a PWM peripheral and change the frequency instead of the pulse width on RPM changes. Currently the LED peripheral is used for the PWM spindle, not sure if this is suitable. One has to consult the datasheet to find out.

distebia commented 1 month ago

so the plugin generated by bing is incorrect?

distebia commented 1 month ago

if bing generates an incorrect plugin for me I don't know how to do it, I don't know how to write it, I'm completely naked in the sector. Besides, I can't even integrate it for compilation

terjeio commented 1 month ago

The generated code is unusable. The easiest option for you is to buy the PWM version, or you will have to wait until I get around to write driver code. This may or may not happen since this is the first time I have heard of a single phase frequency controlled motor.

distebia commented 1 month ago

I managed to start the spindle, it's not the best as the speed doesn't change during processing but I still get the expected result... I create a macro with -$33=200- , -m3s1g1f1000-, I create another one with -$33=5000- , -m4s1g1f1000...from the combination of the values ​​I can go forward and backward at different speeds, thanks for the support.. I saw that the stepper spindle for mks dlc32 is should I use it?