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Nextion Display support #16

Open drom89 opened 1 year ago

drom89 commented 1 year ago

Hi @terjeio , would it be possible to add plugin for Nextion displays ? I mean something like when you press a button it sends a Gcode command to serial.print

I played with Nextion Editor and it should be quite easy to do that. But i dont know how to implement it to grblHAL, i want to use it on ESP32.. Displays are not that expensive so maybe it will be viable options for all of us. Thank you.

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Yes, it is possible to add a plugin - or perhaps it will be possible to use the existing MPG mode? A protocol has to be selected for the communication (plain serial, ModBus, ...) and you have to decide how to package the data for transfer. MPG mode uses plain serial and standard grbLHAL format - and I have made this MPG/DRO based on it.

drom89 commented 1 year ago

So im using ESP32 on board MKS DLC32 V2.1 And i want to use GPIO 0 and GPIO 4 for serial 2 communication, can i use it ? And what is the correct syntax to set MPG enable and RX PINs ? Or some other available GPIO in EXP1 EXP2 connectors


BTW it looks like MKS finally open sourced "their" FW

terjeio commented 1 year ago

And i want to use GPIO 0 and GPIO 4 for serial 2 communication, can i use it ?

Yes, I believe so.

And what is the correct syntax to set MPG enable and RX PINs ?

See the cnc_boosterpack_map.h file for how it can be done.

drom89 commented 1 year ago

So i added MPG MODE ENABLED to mks_dlc32_2_0_map.h





It compiles and i can flash firmware no problem I connected RX and TX pins from display to GPIO0 and GPIO4


When i try to print some code to serial from display, i cant see anything in console Do i need to turn on MPG mode/second serial communication some how ?

terjeio commented 1 year ago

Do i need to turn on MPG mode/second serial communication some how ?

Yes, the input is blocked unless the MPG mode pin is in the correct state and the controller allows switching mode. More info here.

The keypad plugin allows switching mode via a real-time command character if configured to read input from the serial port - but I am not 100% sure this is currently possible with the ESP32 driver.