grbsk / ng-idle

Responding to idle users in AngularJS applications.
MIT License
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Interrupt configuration is not working #187

Closed rajarajac closed 7 years ago

rajarajac commented 7 years ago

Hi Team,

I am trying to configure the interrupt configuration on mousedown and keydown but it is not working. Though the user is active in the application still idle popup is showing after 30 secs. Please guide me, if i miss any?

angular.module('SampleApp').config(['IdleProvider','KeepaliveProvider', function idleConfig(IdleProvider,KeepaliveProvider) { IdleProvider.idle(30); IdleProvider.timeout(30); IdleProvider.interrupt('keydown mousedown'); IdleProvider.autoResume('off'); IdleProvider.keepalive(false); }]);

grbsk commented 7 years ago

You have autoResume('off'), which means that interrupts won't ever reset the idle state. Maybe you meant autoResume('notIdle')?